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The Gift

The Autumn leaves where turning their usual array of reds, golds and purples and every time the wind would blow gently it would scatter their deep rich colours to the ground and all around. Brython looked out of the window of the great hall on to the courtyard surrounded by a wall and four towers in each corner. The sun was at it's highest point and Denethore the Lord-on-highs son was proving to be quite the spoilt brat. He should have turned up to weapons practice has the sun rose not whenever he felt like. So Brython stood and waiting for something or someone. A stray gust of wind caused a leave from the purple oak tree to blow up and in front of Brython, whom quickly snatched it from the air and has he did he became aware of a red-headed girl carrying pies into the guards house for the guards. He felt a strange tingling sensation, that was fate telling him to go find out who she was and being clever wizard he was he quickly dashed down the spiral staircase to go check her out, partway down he was realising he was getting a little too old for this. By the time he had reached the bottom it was too late as it was now that Denethore had turned up and had taken notice to the young woman and followed her till she was out of the sight of the guards, then for some reason ended up on the floor crying like a baby as he had received a blow to the groin.

The guards rushed out and surrounded the young woman, and Kane one of the guards took hold of his daughter's arm and dragged her behind him to protect her. Lord Ammon turned up and called them over to the entrance of the hall. Brython popped from behind him, "My Lord-on-High, I was.." He silenced Brython With motion of his hand.

"I won't harm your daughter Kane." He told his guard and beckoned her forward. "I've heard about you Zanna, you are supposed to have a fiery temper to match you hair."

"My Lord, I didn't realise it was your son and..."

"This cheap whore violently attacked me father." Denethore complained still in discomfort,

"Really?" Lord Ammon, "Please tell me how this young woman came too knock you too the floor when you should have been at your lessons with Brython?" Denethore went quiet. "You." he instructed one of the guards, "Take young lady too cool off in the cells and make sure the guards know they will loose there manhood if they go near here." They took Zanna away. He then instructed his son the others too leave and Kane and Brython to wait. "My son is in need of a sparring partner for his lessons, if the pair of you don't have any objections." Before Brython or Kane had a chance too reply, "Good, then your daughter will be moved into a more comfortable once she's calmed down."

"My lord, though it is not completely unheard of for women to fight, I would rather have her consent before starting."

"She is all ready beating up the boys isn't she Kane?"

"I didn't realise my daughters exploits would be of that much interest too My Lord-on-high." Kane replied trying his best to disguise his discomfort about this,

"Those three boys will think before picking on a cat again." Lord Ammon replied with a smile.

"I will try and keep her too busy she can't get into any more trouble." Brython added, "He'd herd enough at this point to be more than a little interested in the young girl.

"You two can sort out the rest." Lord Ammon said before parting company and disappearing back into the hall.

"We can go collect some things for her and you can fill me in about everything your daughter gets up too." Brython said with a friendly smile trying to put Kane at ease as he let Kane show him the way.

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