Do You Honestly Think So Little of Me?

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The back of a SHIELD security truck was dark, cold, and cramped. The armored vehicle violently jerked around. Every bump in the road sent the strapped-in passengers flying a few inches above their seats before falling on their tailbones. The small space was illuminated only by the tiny slits near the roof, where the light shone through the bulletproof glass.

Steve Rogers and Wanda Maximoff sat in uniform on the left side of the compartment. The remaining seven seats were occupied with CIA and SHIELD agents in full combat gear, weapons loaded and ready. All eyes were on one man that sat in the middle. He was tall, much taller than everyone else in the compartment. He was dressed in a yellow jumpsuit that looked hideous against his pale skin. The bright yellow contrasted and drew attention to his long greasy black hair. Green eyes pierced through all of the colors; with just one glance into them, anyone could tell that he was amused with all of the precautions.

"To be completely honest, I do not think that this procession is necessary," he had said, "I have no intention of escape."

"Tell that to the God of Mischief and Lies then." Maximoff had responded. She and Rogers had a feeling that he was indeed very interested in escaping. It was Loki, after all. This man, or rather this God, was responsible for billions of dollars worth of damage in New York City. After leading an alien attack and killing hundreds, no one was inclined to trust him. Not only that, but his brother Thor had told them all stories of Loki's trickery on Asgard. If the past is any indication of the future, Loki was not to be believed.

"Can you please tell me where we're going?" Loki asked. The party had been sitting in silence until now.

"You know we can't tell you, Loki," Steve said.

"Oh, but you can. We're going to your Tower, are we not?"

"Yes, how'd you know?" Wanda said suspiciously.

With a smirk, Loki answered. "Witch to witch, you already know the answer. You do it to all of your so-called friends back at the Tower."

Wanda withdrew almost immediately. Loki had read Steve's mind. Back at the Tower, she had been doing the same thing. The only one who knew was Vision, who was sworn to secrecy. Maximoff was already on thin ice with Fury after Lagos and was anxious to stay in the Avengers. She had lost her parents, home, and brother and wanted to stay with them, who had become her new-found family. It was not in her best interests to reveal that she knew everything.

"As expected." Loki chuckled to himself. Steve was now perplexed. Wanting to change the subject, he just stopped talking. Now the car was back in silence.

After a while and more thought, Loki asked the question that had been burning in the back of his mind, "I thought I was to be placed on the Raft. Why am I being transferred?"

"Well, you're bound to find out one way or another," Steve muttered to himself. Loki heard and gave one silent acknowledgment. "Yesterday, the train that was taking you to the Raft was hijacked." This piqued Loki's interest as he was unaware of this conspiracy. "The hijacker's name is y/n y/l/n. She has been on international watchlists for the past one hundred years. It is our belief that she was trying to break you out. That's why we're transferring you. At the Tower, we will be better equipped to confine and protect you."

"And you're wondering if I have anything to do with her"

"Yes. Do you know who y/l/n is?"

"Of course not. In my short time in this despicable realm, I have only been able to acquire the most basic of knowledge. Y/l/n is not someone I am familiar with. Unless you would care to inform me."

"And have you creating an alliance with her? Absolutely not" Steve chuckled. Did Loki really think he was that stupid? You, the most wanted woman on Earth with the most dangerous man? Anyone could tell that would not end up well. Together you and he could take down entire governments with ease.

The Silver ShadowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora