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I've always lived this life. Sometimes I would even stay up all night wondering what it would be like if I didn't have cancer, but everytime I do this it brings me back to the question that always comes back into my mind. Why do I always feel like I need to be what people feel is normal to feel like I fit in? I knew I would be an outcast at school since I had always been in and out due to having to go to the hospital multiple different times throughout the year. After a while though everyone began to get used to it, but for some reason I felt as if I was the only person there that just couldn't get used to it especially since I haven't been able to go back for a few months due to having a relapse. I've been getting better though, but it hard not being able to see my friends often and I spend many lonely nights here in this bland hospital room thinking of what my life could've been like without having to have cancer.
It's now been 3 days since I've seen any of my friends and sometimes I just wish that I had someone at the hospital most of the time like me that I could spend some time with. I know it's bad to wish that somebody else should have cancer just so they could possibly be put in the room next to mine that's been vacant almost everytime that I have to come back to this hellhole.
Then as if almost on cue to escape me from my thoughts my doctor comes in to tell me more about what's going on now.
"Well, Alli it seems as if we're going to have to keep you here a little bit longer because from the test results it looks like you still haven't got to a point where we feel comfortable sending you home." My doctor tells me.
"This isn't fair! I was supposed to be able to go home in time to experience prom with my friends. Just like a normal 17 year old girl would be able to do, but no you all just decide that I should stay here even longer the  you've already made me!" I yelled back out of frustration holding back the tears that had been threatening to leave my eyes since they had told me the news. I know it wasn't fair to snap at them for just trying to look out for me and keep my best health in mind, but it was hard having to sit back and see so many things being taken away from me and not being able to do anything about it.
"I know Alli and I'm really sorry that we have to do this, but we just don't want to risk you going back into your relapse."
"Just leave me alone!" I shouted back out of anger. I didn't know why their words were making me so mad. I mean they were just trying to look out for me, but I guess I'm just tired of always being alone here with absolutely nobody to socialise with often. Maybe if someone had a room near mine and around my age I would be more open to the idea of having to stay here longer, but that most likely wasn't going to happen anytime soon.
The sun was now setting and I still haven't even touched the food that one of the nurses had brought up to me about an hour ago. I guess I just really wasn't in the mood to do much right now, but I knew I needed to eat or my doctor wouldn't be too happy with me about that, so before I could fight myself out of eating I picked up my fork and dug into the meal sitting in front of me.
Right as I was finishing my food I heard footsteps coming closer to my room, so I prepared myself for another nurse or doctor to come in to check on me, but they didn't. Before I had much time to think I heard the door to the room next to mine swing open and people began shuffling in. Wait, no I must be hearing things there can't be someone actually in the room next to mine there hasn't been in forever. Before I could get too carried away with my thoughts I heard more shuffling around in there and then I heard people talking. Yes, they were talking. There was an actual person in the room next to mine. Wait, what if they're not even anywhere near my age? As if right on cue to disrupt me from my thoughts one of the nurses came into my room and told me that a boy the same age as me had just been moved to the room next to mine. I thanked her before heading over to my bed and plopping myself down onto in now thinking of how I could try to meet him.
After a little while of thinking I settled on waiting until around 12 tomorrow and then I would leave my room and go to knock on his door and say hi. Wait, what if he doesn't even want to talk to me and just ignores me? That would be embarrassing, but there's only one way to find out... I'll have to try talking to him tomorrow. No matter how much I have to try I'll do it.
Author's Note

I know that this chapter is short, but I'll try my best to either make all of the others longer and this was just a prologue so I just wanted to introduce some of the characters to you all.
Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed my book so far and leave any comments if you want to give me some feedback.

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