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     Kaminari was currently on the couch, he had had a pretty bad day and Kirishima could very easily tell. 

     They were both on their phones when Kirishima had an idea. He sprung up and grabs Kaminari’s hands, leading him to the roof of the dorms. (Kirishima had previously brought stuff up there one night, when he couldn’t sleep.) 

     When they got up there Kaminari had seen one of the most pretty things ever. 

     Laying on the ground was a 5 inch thick, white and black, fluffy blanket to sit on. Surrounding that, on one side, was a wall of different varieties of pillows (mostly being red). There was four wooden poles holding up a blanket behind the wall of pillows, but connecting the poles were amber colored fairy lights, in the shapes of small stars. There was a tiny table beside the setup for whatever you had desired to put there, under it was 3 more blankets to cover up with, if needed. 

     Kirishima led Kaminari to the very fluffy blanket and set him down. What he failed to notice was, while Kaminari had been admiring the setup, Kirishima had rushed down to the kitchen and ran back up with multiple bags of different chips, candies, some popcorn, and two drinks. The drinks were in cute mason jars.. it was pink lemonade with a couple mint leaves and ice in it. 

   After a while of stargazing and eating the snacks, Kaminari felt so much happier, but Kiri wanted him to feel overwhelmed with happiness. Having said that, he proceeded to put on some songs that weren’t super slow but still on the more mellow side of music. They danced the night away, eventually falling asleep there, cuddled up. 

~291 words

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