Chapter 3

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Hi! It has been ages and I am sorry, ok

But I am back now and I am going to schedule the fuck out of these fics bc I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED TO WRITE THEM bc I have some more ideas so yeah :) 

-Harry's Pov- 

Next couple of days Niall rarely left my side and the fact that our timetables were the exact same worked in his favor. I have to admit it kind of felt nice having someone around. It was weird in a weird way. He constantly talked about  Doncaster, from where he moved here, and how he had a shit load of friends and how awesome it was there. He told me people at his dad's work had transferred him here. I could tell he wanted to go back. He asked about me too. Like everyday he asked how I was doing and if I was alright. I was never alright but I always answered in affirmative. But it was good, the feeling that he sort of cared was good. 

I am sitting at our usual spot, the spot where we sit when we get  a period off, and he jumps out of nowhere and sits down next to me. 

"Hey, Haaaarrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" He yelled.

"Heyyy ahhahahha." I tried to reply with the same enthusiasm. 

"Hurry up and close your eyes and hold your hands out." He then said.

"Wait, what?" I asked, baffled.

"Come on, Harry! You're testing my patience." He replied dramatically.  So, I did what he asked me to. I closed my eyes and held my hands out. I felt him place something idk solid on my hand? What?

"Open your eyes!" 

"JANE EYRE?" I yelled because right in front of me was a beautiful hardcover copy of Jane Eyre. I have always wanted to read that book! 

"You like it?" He then asked with a smile. 

" Saying I like it would be an understatement but, Niall, I can't take this." I kind of whispered and placed the book in his lap. This is way too much. 

"Why not?" He frowned.

"Because, one, it is expensive and two, why would you even get me a book? Why are you even hanging out with me, a freak, when you could be in there snogging a girl or something." I replied and looked away. But the way his shoulders kind of hunched and his smile disappeared.

"Harry, you told me you liked reading and so I got you this book becuase I wanted to. And I don't care if it is expensive because you are my friend and NO you are not a freak. And I am not really into girls, to be honest." He replied but whispered the last part so low that I almost thought he didn't say it. But he did.  I have to learn to trust him now, at least, because he told me something which is obviously a very big deal.

"Oh, I am sorry for saying that." I apologized when I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"It's okay, Harry. Now please take the book.?" He pouted and I had to give in. 

"Thankyou, Niall. This means a lot."  I told him while I stared at my shoes as if they were the most interesting things ever.

"Oh, come on!" He said and threw his arms around me and pulled me close. I haven't been hugged in ages. And it feels really good.

When we moved away he asked, "do you have any plans for tonight?"  Because it was a saturday night and people my age usually had plans where they got drunk and hooked up and had fun. Not me, though.

"Nope. Why?" 

"Because, I have this new neighbour who is kind of our age and he kind of invited me to play football with him and I am kind of scared to go alone." Niall replied and turned as red as a tomato. 

"I am shit at football." 

"You can watch and learn then. So you coming?" He asked again.

"Uh, yeah." 

His face lit up, or at least I think it did, at my reply and he said, "Yayyyyyy! I'll pick you up at around six pm then." 

"Give me a paper and I'll write my address down."

"I already know where you live, Harry." He smirked.

"WHAT? Have you been stalking me, Horan?" I asked. 

"Nope. You just kind of live down the street from mine so."

I couldn't help but smile at that. I don't know why I smiled but I did. And I don't know why it felt nice but it did. I chose not to reply but weirdly enough the silence was comfortable and not awkward. And we both just sat there, lost in our own thoughts unitl I realized I kind of should thank him for sticking up for me the other day and for being by my side ever since.

"Niall?" I started. I couldn't think of how to thank him. Like, I had no idea how to form a sentence or which word to use.

"Hmmmm?" He turned to look at me. 

"Thankyou for standing up to Stefan for me the other day. And thankyou for not thinking I am a freak, like everyone else thinks."

"Harry, it is okay. It kind of was my duty, yknow?"  He replied.

"How so?" 

He shook his head, took a deep breath and said, "I was bullied back in Doncaster. They have bullied me since like grade five so I know how it feels. I just couldn't see you go through that."

NIALL? THE HAPPY GO LUCKY GUY BEING BULLIED? It was kind of hard to believe and I felt guilty for not trusting him sooner.

"I am sorry. I just am at a loss for words because you literally are a ball of positivity and for you to have been bullied. I just. I am sorry, okay? You didn't deserve it." 

"It's okay, Harry! Stop apologizing for everything. And it is weird, isn't it? How you can hide hurricanes and floods worth of pain behind a smile and people wouldn't even think twice if you're alright?" He asked, his voice kind of heavy? 

 "I wish I could go beat them all up for you but since I can't even stand up to my bullies I.... Why did they bully you though?" 

"I dunno, man. To me boobs and vaginas weren't just as fascinating as they were to other guys in my school." He replied and tried to smile. 

"Oh, Niall. I am sorry you had to go through all of that."

He playfully punched my arm and said, "just stop already! It's okay!" 

I shook my head at him. I have no idea why I shook my head at him or what the shaking of my head symblolised considering the situation. It had to mean something more. Something more than just a no because that is what people usually mean when they shake their heads. I didnot know what it meant but Niall seemed to understand it and he nodded in return. And that too had to mean someting more. Something more than just a yes because that is what people usually mean when they nod. And somehow in the unspoken words the two of us understood eachother. And it felt good. It felt great to be understood for once. And if there was anyone in between us, other than the two of us, it was the comfortable silence that brought us closer. Because, after knowing what I now know, it felt like the universe had decided to multiply two minuses together. And it felt like the universe had promised both of us a positive product. 

I trust Niall. 

Trust is a strong word and just these five alphabets 'T-R-U-S-T ' alone are capable of triggering hurricanes. But if Niall was going to bring a hurricane in my life it was going to be a good one. I could just tell. 


So, this chapter doesn't make sense but yeah :/ 



Okay! Sigh.

Um yeah :)


-MochaNutsLarry x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2015 ⏰

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