🩹 | Forgotten

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Renjun hasn't left his room the past two days since he cried himself to sleep. He has yet to leave even for food and only ventures out of his bed to use the bathroom that is connected to his room.

What made him finally come out was when he got a text in the group chat.

22 Twinks & Ten

Mommy Tae🥰
We are all having dinner tonight, so be ready and at the dining table at 8 o'clock, or I will hunt you down😘

11 - 1😈
Not going to lie, I'm kinda into that

Full Sun☺️
Shut it shrimp, we don't want to hear about what you're into

11 - 1😈

Renjun was quick to get off the chat, not feeling like watching one of TeChans brawls to the death. He decided to get up and get ready for dinner instead.

He took a quick shower before changing into a pair of black skinny jeans and an oversized white sweater. Once he was dressed and dried his hair to look presentable, he makes his way out of the room and heads down the stairs slowly while feeling anxiety start to make its way into his head.

There was lots of noise coming from the Dinning room as he approached and walked into the expected mess.

Everyone was talking to one another and eating in their spots at the two tables. Renjun could see that everyone has already started to eat and looked for an empty seat.

He saw one in between Kun and Johnny. He makes his way over to the seat and quietly takes his seat while looking at his food that was already plated. The first one to take notice of him was Yangyang from across his seat.

"Hey, Injunie! I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?" the Chinese boy asked as he looked at the smaller boy.

Renjun looks surprised at how the other noticed him before hiding it with a fake smile, "I'm great, how are you?"

"I'm great but you would not believe what happened the other day, so..." Yangyang started to drone on about how he has had an eventful past few days. Renjun can't help but lose focus of the conversation as he sees how some of the members are sharing whispers and giggles.

Renjun is brought back into reality though by Yangyang saying loudly, "Hey, are you even listening?!"

That draws the attention of some of his surrounding lovers around him and they watch silently as Renjun tries to find a reply.

"I-I'm sorry, what?" he says meekly, already feeling bad about not listening and spacing out. Yangyang frowned at the boy and says, "why did you ask how I was if you weren't even going to listen?"

Renjun CentricWhere stories live. Discover now