Mr. L and the Koopa from Outer Space Trailer

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It seemed like a harmless story.

"You want me to LIE!?!" asks Daisy.

"A little Fib, couldn't hurt anyone," says the koopa.

We then see Giga Bowser holding Daisy as the narrator says

(0:09)Until the Fib took on a life of it's own!

"HELP, IT'S GOT ME!!" cries Daisy.

"THIS IS A JOB FOR MR. L!" cries Toadsworth.

The L-Mobile then zooms by.

"DROP THE PRINCESS!!" yells Mr. L.

"Why don't you come and make me make me, Little Baby Man?" asks Giga Bowser. 

"If that's the way it's gotta be!"

Now, one masked green hero must uncover the truth, as Eaton Stories presents, Mr. L and the Koopa from Outer Space, Now available to read!

"If there's a space alien in this Kingdom, the Green Thunder will bring him in!"

Mr. L and the Koopa from Outer Space! Same great stories, same great characters!

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