Resident evil 2 welcome to raccoon city

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You and Claire are heading to raccoon city because Claire wanted to go and being the good friend you are you decided to tag along with her as you are riding right beside her the both you ride down the street.

Y/n:so why are we heading to raccoon city aging

Claire:because I'm looking for Chris no one have heard for him in a while and I'm kinda worried about him.

Y/n:there is no need to be worried about him he can take care of himself.

That was true ever since you and Claire were a little kid,Chris  even though the two of you how to fight and handle fire arms.

Claire:that may be true but I'm still worried about him. He always used to call me but recently he stopped so that why I think something bad happened to him.

Y/n:alright I think there is a gas station up ahead loser pays for gas.

Claire:you are on

She zooms ahead of Y/n the two of you have always been competitive with each other. You twist the exhaust to go faster. The pair pulls into the gas station as Claire.

Claire:looks like I won

Y/n:yeah whatever I get you next time

Claire:keep telling yourself that I got to make a call you fill up the bikes.

she went to the near by pay phone you go to the gas pumps. After you done filling up the bikes she finished her calls.

Y/n:any answer

Claire:yeah it but why does everyone think I'm going to get into trouble


Just before you could answer her both of you hear something in the gas station.

Y/n:what was that

Claire:I don't know let's go check it out

much against your better judgment you follow her into the gas station where she find a flashlight on the ground so you two can see in the pitch black gas station. Claire spots see someone against the wall bleeding out.

Claire:hey are you okay

There was no response however he just point to behind the cooler.

Claire:okay we go check it out

The two of you head behind the cooler where the door shut behind you two. Y/n tries to open it but it wouldn't budge.

Y/n:no luck it shut tight

Both of you continue on as you can hear a struggle going on.

Officer:I said stay still

Claire:is everything okay

Officer:stand back you two I got this.

However what ever he was struggling with overpowered him taking him into the ground and starts to bit into him. Claire flash the light on the creature which had blue eyes and pale grey skin.

Y/n:what the hell is that

Claire brings out her gun and starts to shot it killing it.

Claire:we need to get out of here fast

You walk up to dead office

Claire:Y/n what are you doing

You squat down and took the office gun and flashlight

Y/n:know we are both are loaded.

Claire finds a door but it was look as well.

Claire:damm it it's looked we need key to get out.

After some looking around you found a set of keys which you gave to Claire unlocking the door allowing you to find a way out of the room. A zombie is creeping up right behind her you shot it. 

Y/n:it looks like they are everywhere.

After dodging multiple zombies you get to the door Claire opens it someone is there.

??:get down

The both of you duck he shots a zombie that was right behind the pair.

Y/n:we need to get out of here

??:you guys okay

Claire:yeah thanks

??:you can thank me when we are save.

You guys look around to see that you are surrounded by zombies.

??:get in

All of you rushes into the cop car the guy steps on the gas escaping the small mob.

Claire:what the hell is going on

??:I don't know maybe we will find some answer at the police station.

Claire:your a cop

Leon:yeah Leon Kennedy you two

Claire:Claire Redfield

Y/n:Y/n L/n

Leon:so you two live around here

Claire:no we are looking for my brother who is also a cop.

Leon drives into the city where you got a message on the radio.

Announcer:due to the outbreak any survivors head to raccoon city police department they have food and medical supplies.

Claire:the is some crazy shot what if we are the only survivors

Y/n:don't say that there are other survivors.

Leon stops as there is a road block ahead suddenly the car is sworn by zombies on each side of the car that's when y'all here a noise you look behind you to see a truck is coming full speed towards y'all.

Y/n:we need to get out.

Y'all try to get out of the car but couldn't but luckily for y'all the truck serves out of the head avoiding a direct hit but it still hits the car. You guys mange to
Get out of the car as gasoline sets the car on fire. The truck explode sending Claire and Y/n flying into a car.

Leon:Claire Y/n are you guys okay

Y/n:yeah we are how about you.

Leon:a little shaken up but okay. It's not safe here I will meet you at the police department.

Y/n:come on Claire


The two of you avoids zombies and duck into a nearby alley taking the stairs you can see the police department in sight.

Y/n:look we almost there.

After dodging some more zombies you arrive at the polos department. Y/n open the gate closing and locking the gate right behind Claire as the two of you enter the police department.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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