I Was Only Falling In Love

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Grass scrunched down under boots as two boys walked up a hill. Hands playfully shoving or pushing at eachother as laughs fluttered into the morning sky. Hair being fluffed about by the wind, clothes shuffling under the waves. A large cherry blossom tree stood tall at the top of the hill. A overhanging boulder sitting at it's base, roots creating a slight mimic of a tent. The trees branches swiveled outwards towards the sky, beautiful pink petals flowing down like they were dancing. Each one having a beautiful melody of it's own. A slightly larger, rougher hand hidden behind a glove clasped Bennett's. Both of them interlocking their fingers into their own dance. The wolf boy leading the other to the base of the tree. Bennett's gaze widened slightly, forest eyes glowing as the petals fluttered between them, in that quiet moment all he could think about was his beating heart. Razor's hand slipped from his own, reaching up to grab at one of the low hanging branches and pulling himself up. After sitting down against the wood, he reached down a hand to the other, and a smile placed to his lips.

Bennett stared at the hand held out before him for a few moments, almost in a daze. There hands clasped together again, emitting that soft spark that never seemed to die. It tingled everytime they touched and it flew fireworks into Bennett's heart. He gasped as he was tugged up quickly, the rush making him laugh, Razor joining him with his more gruff like one. They both sat there, swinging there feet, enjoying the moment as their hands were tangled together in a quiet promise of 'I love you'. Razor wasn't good with words, Bennett had come to know that quickly. He was better with showing how he felt, and that didn't bother him at all. He understood what the wolf boy wanted to get across everytime. It was one of his few specialties. And he took pride in that.

The slight squeeze of his hand got his attention, forest gaze flickering to the other. A small knife was held out to him, one of the kind normally used for cooking. Bennett would of normally joked about it if it weren't for Razor indicating to the tree, where a proud R stood, despite it being rugged, Bennett knew it was Razor's, and his heart warmed at the sight of the initial engraved into the trunk of the tree.

The tree that stood proud and tall against the currents of wind and rain. The tree that held their everlasting love.


Cherry blossom petals fly down from the sky, fluttering around two teenagers as they enjoyed the view of the array of colors that lit up the sky. The slight breeze filtering through their hair. The tree stood tall, branches twisting to the sky, beautiful pink flowers blossoming against the bark. The wood carving circles into it's center, crawling to it's core. Against the bark proudly stood a rugged R alongside a B, encased between a heart. It had been a year since it was carved into the tree, and it stood as proud as ever. The sky lit up with an array of pinks, reds and oranges. The hills ahead encasing the sun between their palms. A gental hum blowing through the land that ushered for the leaves and grass to dance. If you asked the two, you wouldn't get a simple answer. The moment two lovely and important for meer words to describe. Beautiful didn't even stand a chance for how lovely it was.

The sun settled down between the palms of the hills, sinking into it's bed for the moon to arise. The colors flashing through the air and seeping down with the sun. Bennett was so invested he didn't know Razor getting up. Patting his hands against his thighs after using them to stand up. After deeming them clean, he turned suddenly, long hair flushed against his shoulders and back in a mangle, the strands fluttering against his skin and clothes. A hand was held out to Bennett. Both staying in that moment, silence flying around both of them, before Bennett began to breath correctly once more. Reaching out to take his partner's hand into his own, electricity emitting from their fingertips, before slowly igniting throughout their body's. A tingle of happiness flowing between the both of them.

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