She Knows

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I looked over at Eliza sleeping next to me. I had to leave tomorrow and looking at her lying beside my made me heart quench. It wasn't very late, but we had barely slept the night before as it was the first time we had seen and been together in over a month. I couldn't sleep, my mind was racing a mile a minute and I couldn't slow it down. I know my management had been trying to contact me, and I was terrified of what would happen as a result of my radio appearance just yesterday. I looked over at Eliza again; it had been worth it. Her cheek squished into the pillow as she laid on her stomach. Her face faced me. Her eyes squished shut and her lips stuck out in a pout. I moved my hand through her hair. She looked so peaceful. The room was dark but the streetlights outside her window shone on her face so I could see her clearly. I can't believe I ever let her go. A loud buzz interrupted my thoughts. On her nightstand her phone lit up, across the screen "Arson" appeared. Why was he calling at eleven at night? I mean... it wasn't that late but still it was a little weird. Eliza didn't wake up because of the buzzing so I decided to ignore it. It couldn't be that important. The call faded away and I continued to run my hand through Eliza's soft hair. I needed a plan on how to deal with my manager. I was going to have to call him back tomorrow and see him as there was a show tomorrow. I had tried convincing Eliza to come with me, but she claimed that she had to go to school. The buzzing started up again, startling me once more. It was Arson once again. Maybe I should pick up. I reached over Eliza and grabbed her vibrating phone. I answered the call, putting the phone to my ear.

"Hey, it's August. Eliza is asleep." I calmly said. Maybe he'd stop calling now.

"Fuck, August! This is so cool to be talking to you on the phone, but something happened. I'm scared I don't know what to do." Arson hissed into the phone. What was happening?

"Uhh," I started but he wasn't done.

"August, Li took Miles! He stole my car and kidnapped Miles. He might kill him. He had already threatened to if I didn't give him my car. I am so fucking stressed. I am biking over to Eliza's right now. Her house is near the park he stole my car in." Arson went on. I felt my heart sink into my chest. Fuck. I knew Li was digging a grave for himself but getting involved with Miles, but I never guessed he would drag Miles along with him. He lied to me. He told me he wouldn't involve Miles and would make sure he remained safe. He fucking lied.

"Oh my fucking god. Okay, I will wake up August. Did you call anyone else?" I asked, nervous he called Hazel. That would only lead to so many complications.

"No, I couldn't think straight. I think I should call the police." He said into the phone with a shaky voice.

"Don't. That will make things complicated. Are you close?" I asked and stood up out of Eliza's bed. I needed to get real clothes on.

"What do you mean complicated?! Miles got fucking taken! By Li of all people!" Arson yelled into the phone; I could hear him panting under his yelling. I let Arson yell into the phone as I grabbed a pair of Eliza's sweats and my cardigan.

"Arson, we will meet you outside in five minutes. I have to wake Eliza up." I hung up and threw the phone onto her bed. I walked over to Eliza; she looked so peaceful, I felt guilty waking her up.

I dragged Eliza down the stairs of her house, trying to be as quiet as possible. She was still half asleep and groaned the whole way down.

"What is happening," she said groggily.

"Miles was kidnapped by Li and Arson is coming over." I finally told her. She stopped mid-step which made me fling back a little as I had been dragging her. I turned to look at her. Her eyes stared back at me with confusion. Her mouth in a line.

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