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"1hour until landing" comes the voice over the intercom. I see Ethan Is now sitting there on his phone messaging his friend from back home all of a sudden I get the urge to be sick I grab the sick bags and be sick stupid planes I just sit there for a minute after not wanting to move just in case I'm sick again I notice Ethan has gone probably to get mum or dad. The next minute they are back I faintly hear mum telling Ethan to go sit with dad for a bit she sits next to me and rubs my back I am sick again ahh I lean back on her and just sit there next thing we know we are descending when we hit the ground. I gingerly stand up and grab my carryon bag when we enter the terminal and I see the rest of my family talking to a woman witch I assume is Lisa I tell mum to go ahead as I need to sit down she ponders for a minute before walking over to them I sit on a nearby seat and put my head in my hands taking deep shallow breaths I then stand up and walk over to them I stand behind Ethan and give him a scare I doubled over with laughter after I straighten up I ran to the bathroom and was sick what wrong with me I'm not on the plane anymore and now I'm really cold. When I enter the world again as my dad would say my teeth are chattering with the cold even though it's like 40 degrees outside mum being mum is all over me straight away just to make her stop I insist I'm fine witch I'm sure I am. We all hop into a huge van I mean its huge I fall asleep in the back next thing I know we have arrived at this like mansion it's still dark out so no one is up we enter this house and gather around the table and have some hot chocolate well everyone except me as I don't want to be sick again I catch mum dad Oliver and Ethan glancing at me mainly because I am never sick.

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