How Dreams Unite Us.

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Dreams connect us

What I dream of is what my mind thinks of my own existence

Maybe that's why I dream of you every night
Because you're linked with my existence
Because without you there is no me
Because I haven't seen you in an eternity
And maybe
Because my eyes want to see you once again

My soul aches to sit down with you
It craves to listen to you talking to me
To talk about everything I've been feeling all these years

But even after meeting you I won't be able to tell you how I've been feeling

And maybe this is because you're way ahead of me in life

Maybe we're at different levels

And maybe you're a different person

But when I dream

I will make sure I dream of you

I dream of talking to you

Where I will ask you

Oh keeper of my heart
How are you?
How have you been?
And how has my heart been?

Then hear your response created by my brain in your own voice

At that moment I will smile because the memories in my brain are fresh enough to remember your voice

And maybe one day I will stop dreaming about you and I actually wake up and see you there.

and i hope that day is near.

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