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"Where did all these bruises come from?"

I was driving through Highway 95 in Maryland when I noticed the bruises crowning my knuckles. They just...appeared, like petals floating to the surface of water. It is possible that I punched something—or someone—at some point in the last few days, or tripped and fell, and fists to break the fall? But I don't recall doing any of that.

Then again, my head hadn't been the most reliable in these past few weeks, either.

They weren't the first. A couple of weeks ago, I woke up with a cut on my upper arm, and the blood drenched half of my sleeve, but the sleeve wasn't torn or cut, so it couldn't have been me... Another one came a few days after that, when I was driving, and a sudden searing pain came to my wrist, like I was burnt by a frying pan, but that part of my skin wasn't even touching anything. The list goes on.

I think I'm going insane.

Some people...some who are lucky enough to find their soulmates, found themselves with identical wounds on them, because when one half of that bond gets hurt, the other one suffers, too. Mom's bruises never translated onto our birth dad. Maybe that was why he was so okay with hurting her. It wasn't until she met Harry, did that magic—or curse—work on both of them.

But that's exactly that—it only happens after you've met the person. If I've somehow met her, and didn't know who she was, then I've really screwed up. Big time.

It couldn't have been anyone in Caledonia, otherwise I would've known. No one from home, either. There weren't even that many of us left. Could it be someone from East River? For some reason, I just couldn't be sure... There're this weird quality in my memory when I think of East River, glowing tinge surrounding everything, blurring details, and flaring up the edges, making it hard to see for too long.

Also, if I met her in East River, why isn't she with me?

If she's really out there, I felt sorry for all the pain I've caused her in the past few days. When I narrowly escaped that group of Skip Tracers, my arms were all cut up, real pretty. I can't imagine the horror she must have felt when her arms just, out of nowhere, started spontaneously bleeding half of her blood out.

I really ought to take better care of myself, even if it's just for her sake.

When I crossed the state boarder into Pennsylvania, I managed to find an old payphone, and left a voice mail for my brother to let him know where I am, and that I'm coming his way. I didn't want to—asking for Cole's help was one of the few things that I genuinely want to avoid—but I'm really desperate.

The truth is, just imagining him gloating about this—about me needing his help—was almost enough to make me turn around. Think about the last time I asked for his help... didn't work out so well, did it? But whatever Cole has to offer, whatever nightmare I have to live through going back to the League, is better than being hauled back into the camp.

I don't think they'd actually take me back into a camp, anyway.

When I got passed the wrong Wilmington, I briefly glimpsed the road sign that read US 13, and a voice suddenly rang in my head.

Turn off here. It urged.

The feeling was distinctly different from my reluctance to meet Cole—it was a drive, asking me to go somewhere, rather than run from somewhere.

Whatever it was, I can't listen, no matter how hard I wanted to, no matter how it warmed my heart just thinking about that impulse, like it would lead me home, even though I had no idea how.

I got into the city of Philadelphia, and found my brother's apartment soon enough. When I got into his building, a woman threw me a sideway glance that made my hair stood on their ends.

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