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"I didn't need freedom; I needed you!" I half-screamed, trying to get the frustration out past the chaos raging in my head. How could I—? How could she—? What the hell—?

On the receiving end of my scream, Ruby's face was painted with grief, lined with tears that almost made my anger buckle. Almost.

"Did you just...not want to be with me anymore?" Facing her silence, my pain came out softer eventually. Please, just tell me, and I will leave you alone.

"No..." She choked out. "I... I was wrong." She swallowed hard before continuing, and despite the anger still roaming my vein, I wanted to reach out and touch her. "We should...we should stay together. I knew I couldn't bear to see you with the League, see them take away all the good in you that I love..."

"Is that how you think of me?" I snapped before I realized what I was doing, "That I am so weak that the League is bound to break me?"

"No!" She shook her head violently, "No, I don't think you are weak... If anything, I think you are much stronger than me. But I was weak." She finally looked back at me, her green eyes gleaming in the dim light of this dust-covered room. "I'm so sorry."

Before I could react to what she said—I didn't even know what I was going to say or do—the sound of a gunshot broke every single thought clean out of my head.

Ruby was running before I could do anything about it. She pushed the door of the shop open, and another shot blew open the window on the outside, shattering the glass all over the floor.

"Ruby!" I shouted as I dodged, crouching with my hands over my ears, but she was already up and running again, out of the door and behind the woman that was escaping the scene—with a gun in her hands.

"Ruby, stop!" I shouted again, got on my feet to catch her, but I never manage. I skidded on the broken glass, and fell, hands first, into the shards.

I heard her hiss. She stopped dead on her way, and whirled around to find me on the floor, holding my right hand on my laps, pressing it against the fabric of my jeans to try and stop the bleeding.

The blood was dripping down to her fingers. As she walked slowly towards me, the red, looking almost black, dropped on the dust-covered floor, leaving a spotting route, marking her path. When she knelt down beside me, finally close enough to touch me, I found that she was smiling. A totally mirthless, wry and painful smile.

"Give me your hand." She said softly, almost like a whisper.

"You should treat yours first." I said, trying to catch her hand, to see how much of a damage I'd done.

"We only need to treat one of us." She let out a small breath, almost like something caught there. "We get them together, and we heal them together, too."

That, somehow, broke through all the mess in my head and reached my mind. I let her take my arm, and carefully wrap her scarf on my hand, all the while her words played on repeat in my head.

We get them together, and we heal them together, too.

When she was done wrapping my hand up, the wounds on her hand stopped bleeding, too. I didn't know why—I wasn't even completely over that anger or frustration—but when she placed her hand in mine, a tender "there" escaping her lips, all I wanted to do was kiss her.

Instead, I gently enveloped my fingers around her hand. "There." I said, pressing my good hand over hers.

And we stayed in that silent, that touch, just a little while longer.

I Want to Hold Your Hand | The Darkest Minds fanficWhere stories live. Discover now