Welcome To The Stream..!!

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soooooooooooo uhhhhh I- well this chapter is not fully the maid outfit stream just like on 1/4 of this so like next chapter ill do it fully. (my brain just wanna do lore. doe it shxt to my au-) D: also this time is 10 o'clock pm so yesh bc I like night time lmao and making jef late like always >:D less go-

Also, this thingy --> - is a time skip since I have seen people use these and helpful of something idk

Warning: Little Angst...?


¬!¬ Jef POV Continued bc yes ¬!¬

"Why Can't The Time Be Like That When I Try..."

The sun was still setting. It still looked beautiful. It warmed my heart too much and I couldn't handle it. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

I felt like there were happy tears but I was wrong.

More kept coming making me cry even worse. I wiped my salty tears away but they didn't want to go.

Streaming so many tears I couldn't even want to stop even tho I wanted to. I started to whimper.

But I started to cool down a bit. I could see the water moving.

It was calm water not rushing water. I wiped my tears away quickly, seeing the sleeve being wet and soggy. The boat came closer.

NightMare - "Hey Jef."

Jef - "Y-Yeah NightMare..?" His boat was now next to mines I turned my head around where he couldn't see my face full of tears.

NightMare - "Uhhh... Is something wrong Jef..?"

Jef - "N-Nothing-"

NightMare - "Turn your head then if nothing wrong."

I turned around looking at him. He volted in reaction. He kept looking at me. A couple of tears running down again.

I stared down at my boat which was empty compared to his.

That had a couple of things. The sun started to go away. I think my eyes are red from the crying from him looking at me so much.

NightMare - "W-What... h-happened..? Did someone do this!?"

Jef - "No-"

NightMare - "Did Tobbo do this!?"

Jef - "No--"

NightMare - "Did "Good" do this?!"

Jef - "No! It's just something that feels wrong. And I don't know how to say it."

NightMare - "What's wrong? Did something happened?"

Jef - "....."

NightMare - "....?"

Jef - "N-Nevermind actually, I'm fine for now."

NightMare - "Alright, but if you change your mind you can tell me ok?"

Jef - "Alright."

NightMare - "Do you want to stream right now??"

Jef - "No... but we can hang out for a bit."

NightMare - "Alright."

I guess that could calm me for a bit. "Hop on my boat I have something you show you. And I want your OwN opinion okay?" He told me. I agreed with it.

He started to go to his house. "But-", "New house".


We arrived at his house by sunset coming up. "Ok uhh, opinion on this house since I'm bringing Geroge here-" I cutted him off.

¬ JefHalo ¬ JUST A LITTLE BIT OF SMUT OK ¬ Bromance ¬ Fluff, Angst? ¬Where stories live. Discover now