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This is what Aqua looks like👆👆👆👆👆
Not edited sorry

The cold air blows trough my hair sending shivers down my back. I look around not knowing where the hell I am. What is going on I don't know where I am. I look around and see darkness and someone walks out of it. Nathaniel? What is he doing here.

" We need to go now," he says holding my hand and kissing my forehead.

" Go? Go where," I ask.

" Keep the baby safe and get out of the walls as fast as you can. I love you sweetie I will join you when you get there." I don't know what is happening. What baby? I look down and I'm shocked I'm pageant? I have to be going insane but I need to play along. I don't know why but I feel like I have to keep it safe.

" I love you too," I say and the world start to take shape buildings start to form and I see the walls . I run as fast as I can I feel weird this is not happening. What is going on I feel so unsafe what the hell is going on. I'm going insane aren't I? I see fog and the world Im cold and I'm alone once again but I keep running. I see the walls now and Aqua standing there. She leads me trough a hole in the wall. I feel cold and alone and the world go's dark and I'm confused. This dark word I look down and see my stomach is its normal size again. I cry and feel to my knees what is this. Dark ..... Darkness....... I'm alone. I see my brother blood standing up he walks toward me. All the blood I feel sick.

" This is all you fault ," he say and reaches out and his hands wrap around my neck. I see the hate in his eyes making me feel like I'm going to trow up and the world spins. He is gone leaving pain and red marks on my neck.

" Hey over here loser," I hear roses voice. No I won't look. Then bam she is I front me laughing and pointing.

" Wow your ugly and you can't get anywhere. there's something wrong with you," she says and her words finally snap me out of my weaknesses and crying.

" No I have gotten some where I'm here. I have an amazing friend named Aqua and someone I love is here to. I have won I have beaten you I can win there is no doubt in my mind. I will keep winning and having fun and I don't care about you. you left me your with your fake friends and I like it that way," I say and punch her wrapping vines around her. I hear her scream and then she is dust gone with the wind and never to return. It felt good I feel in power again.

~~~~~ end of dream ~~~~~~

I wake up feeling sweet and refuse to let anyone or anything spoil my mood. I spread my hands across my bed..... Wait when did i get here then I remember nathaniel brought me home. Then I smile and sit up.

" Hey sleeping beauty," I hear Aqua say she has a smile on her face.

" I feel amazing," I say stretching.

" Well I got home and he was here watching you making sure you where fine. I'm so happy for you," she say and I blush he sat her and made sure I was fine.

" When did you get in and...... Where not dating," I say.

" WHAT no! you have to be he looked so in love with you. you should have seen the why he looked at you. When he leafed and thought I was not looking he kissed your forehead and said sweet dreams," she say and I have sparks. He kissed my forehead.

" Really we just talked is it bad if I think I'm already in love?" I ask but I don't really know what I feels like when your in love. I have butterflies, feel amazing when I with him and when I look in his eye the world disappears. I feel at home around him.

" No I think you guy would make the best couple ever," she says.

" Thanks your my best friend ever," I swear I have never been able to tell rose anything. that's a good thing now.

" Your so beautiful I hope we are friends forever," she says holding out her pinky. I wrap mine around hers she pulls me into a hug.

" You have two days till school ," she says.

" I need to find nathaniel," I say and Aqua gives me a knowing smile.

" No I need to thank him," I say knowing she was thinking dirty.

" Well good luck finding him this is a big place," she says and holds out an outfit. "here put this on."

I put it on and run out the door.

" See you a 4:00 we need to go shopping," I says and Aqua smiles. I have never felt so free I could see everyone there was no one holding me to the ground. I suppose you could call it 'the rainbow after the storm'. I look everywhere for him well I listen to music. Then I see rose she I laughing with her friends.

" Wow she did that," rose says talking behind someone's back. I take my headphones out and listen but I look at my phone for messages.

" Well you could say they did it," a girl with a really squeaky voice. The kind of girls me and rose made fun of once. I decided this is no use so I get up. Boom I'm pouched to the ground after a slammed into someone.

" Ow look it's that creep that stocked and knows everything about you," rose's friend says and laughs. Do she pouch me.

" What did you say," I ask but I know the answer I hate her.

" creepy stocker," she say and lenses to my face then laughs.

" At lest I'm not ugly like you," I say and start to walk away.

" At lest she didn't kill her brother," I turn and look at rose. Did she just say that. No I swear she must be gone. I look at her with disbelief.

" You son of a leaf blower go to hell," I say and look her start in the eye. " this is not what your like but if you want to act I swear next time see your ugly face and you have guts to say something like that to me....... You will be sorry." I say and look away she is gone. She is gone. Instead Of the sweet rose I'm getting the thorns.

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