Where's Shiro

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Keith's POV

It has been three days since the masked women attacked us head on. I began less concerned with the masked women and more concerned about Shiro. He should have returned from his mission days ago if not weeks. If he was running behind he would have said something or notified me. I began to question if I was being told everything. Coran didn't seem to worry about Shiro as I did, neither did Pidge. Allura and Romelle wondered where he was occasionally, as did Hunk and Lance, but Pidge and Coran showed no signs of worry. Why?

There were several times I wanted to ask Coran but whenever I'd go to confront him, he always seemed to be busy talking to Pidge which was suspicious. Most recently, when I'd approach him he'd pull Allura aside. Now it's become a bit of a thing.

We had just finished our daily patrol when I had a long line of questions I wanted to ask Pidge. Just as I was about to head to her hanger to talk to her, I was pulled aside by Allura. 

"Sir Keith?"

"Allura." I said reacting to my name.

"I'd like your help with something." 

"With what?" 

"Can you teach me to fight?" Her question came as a shock to me.

"What was that?"

"Can you teach me to fight? You know like how Pidge and you do." I didn't know what to say. "I want to be able to defend myself if need be."

"There won't be a need be. Pidge and I are to protect you there's no need for you to learn the ways of a sword, or gun, or anything fighting techniques." I said as I began heading for Pidge's hanger.

"The day, you, Pidge, Veronica, and Griffin were attacked says otherwise. What if I were to end up in a similar situation?"

"The chance of that happening again are slim given the peaceful three days."

"You never know. The next time these ladies attack they could have a whole army." I stopped. Allura was not going to drop this. I faced her as she had a determined look on her face. Yeah, she wasn't going to drop this.

"As Coran approved of this?"


I sighed, "You better not tell him." I said as I turned in a different direction towards the arena were the knights train. 

Outside of the giant arena is a smaller rustic one. It's almost warn down and nearly falling apart, so no one uses it. It may not be the best place to train Allura but it'll do to avoid getting caught. 

Allura's POV

Coran said to distract him from Pidge. When I asked why, he gladly told me and I wish now more than ever he hadn't. Now I'm forced to lie to Keith about his brother's condition and his position. Pidge is currently looking for clues in the Black Lions hanger. 

Coran also informed me that he and Pidge believe Keith is getting highly suspicious and is constantly trying to start up a conversation with Pidge about what Pidge and Coran talked about that one time. Pidge told me that they discussed the situation with Shiro. Something Keith couldn't know. I can't personally understand why they are trying to keep it a secret. Keith is his brother, he deserves to know.

But then again, as a knight, Keith must always be ready for anything. He has a job to do and is by far one of the greatest knights this kingdom has had. Aside from his brother of course. The only reason I'm doing this is because I don't know how Keith could react. With his once infamous temper before he met Shiro, he could easily lock himself away and neglect his duties as a knight. He could lash out as his own fellow knights. He could run and flee the Kingdom. The possibilities are unknown and it worries me. 

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