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I hate this part of the day . waking up . I've never been a morningperson and yet the maids still think it's a Wonderfull idea to wonder in my room at 6am to wake me up this morning a new girl walks in for the slaughter clearly no one informed her . I kinda feel bad for her so I try to be nice but evidently fail.

"Good morning you're highness' she says with a smile on her face .

"Morning"I say too soft for her to hear because my voice is still groggy .

"excuse me , what did you say?"she says still with that smile on her face .

"I said . MORNING!" I shouted a bit too harsh .

"Oh I'm sorry miss- " she started before I interupted "I'm sorry for shouting , I'm jus not much of a morningperson ." I tried to apologize but I'd clearly scared her . At least she didn't see my fangs or I think she out run in fear. "You ca go now, and again sorry for shouting."I say with a voice I knew calmed people. And yes she seemed more calm less frightened but still shaken up.

As I got up to get dressed my father the king send me a message saying

"Don't scare her like that I could hear you from the dining room !"

that wasn't a suprise I was quite loud and he had the best hearing out of all of us.

"I'm sorry dad I already apologized."

"I know" He said 

"So why did you text me."

"To make myself clear."

He wasn't my biological father that was my other father. people knew who I was talking about because I called the king dad an my bio father 'father' . He wasn't really around for the last 400 years I think I've seen him twice . My dad sees him more often because he travels to him so to say for and I quote "political relations". That was of course bullshit but what could I say about it I can't tell you how many times I've traveled just so I could meet this one girl ore the other.


When I finally got ready and went to the dining room my dad was not to say pleased . 

"Why do we even eat it's not like we need to."

"But we can and see what Renhilde made especially for you're birthday "

I almost forgot my own birthday again I turned 1233 years old this year but the cake read "Happy birthday to my darling girl happy 22."I hated birthdays it reminded my of my mom and siblings who I missed dearly . They weren't 'turned' so to speak .

"Happy birthday darling." my dad said with a smirk on his face he knew I hated birthday's that's why he trows me a birthday party every year with all the royal from our country and our neighboring countries to rub it in I guess .

"ha ha " I said in a sarcastic tone 

"So for the party tonight-"he started

"Do we have to seriously dad"I interrupt 

"Where you're green dress it will look pretty with you're hair"He went on without acknowledging me.

"There are going to be a lot of princess here for you're hand in marriage"

"ugh" I sighed with an eyeroll already imagining  ripping their throat out

"And try not to kill anyone this time ."he said in a very serieus tone as if he could read my mind.Could he ? Sometimes it seemed so but he only says something when I'm thinking of killing them.

"Fine."I said with disappointment clearly in my face and voice .

"I mean it."

"I know , I promise "still disappointed

we stopped eating and went our separate way. I went through the long hills filled with old paintings of me and my family in different time periods it's a long running inside joke from my family and I. I finally got to the door that went out into the gardens trying to walk as slow as other humans wasn't always as easy as it seemed . But you do what you gotta do.

princesses in loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora