Scales & Roses

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Sometimes, if you squint at the horizon from Aefon Beach, through the thick fog there will be a lighthouse looming high above the gloom. At least, that is how the old maid's tale goes. Many pass it off as a crazy crone's story, but when you live on Akir Island, how sure can you really be?


"Neppy! Tune! Nep! Gods--NEPTUNE! Get your head out of the fogs, and haul ass onto the ferry! We're gonna be late!" A sharp, scolding voice sounded out, seizing the scruff of the aforementioned Neptune's shirt, dragging him. 

"Huh-? Oh, right, right, right, I'm getting there, Catalina..." Neptune, an awkwardly hunched-over sickly man with sullen eyes and a monotonous and unfeeling voice, allowed himself to be dragged by 'Catalina', his sister of 13 years young. 

In contrast to her brother, Catalina stood proud and tall, her shoulder-length hair flowing behind her, and her feline-like eyes always on the prowl, practically glowing against her tan skin.

Clambering into the small ferry with all the grace of a newborn giraffe, Neptune sat down on one of the enclosed seats, looking at his phone camera to make sure he didn't look awful. Brushing his short, ocean-blue hair to the left, he rubbed at his freckles and eyes with mild disdain. Dear Hades below, my eyebags couldn't look worse...

Before Neptune's mood could be fully ruined by his own appearance, he heard the old leather seat beside him crinkle as a voice asked tenderly: "Neppy, do you mind if I sit here?" This voice belonged to no other than Achilles Rossa, Neptune's best (and only) friend. A stark contrast in demeanor and appearance, Achilles looked like a hero to Neptune--red hair concealing one of his sky-blue eyes, a chubbier body(Perfect for cuddling, Neptune often thought), and a bright smile like the sun itself.

Neptune nodded eagerly, not a man of too many words, but a more genuine and warm smile lingered on his placid face as he softly answered, "Please do, Achi..."

Achilles beamed and sat beside Neptune, ruffling his own hair and looking over at Neptune, "Excited to return to school, Neppy?"

"Honestly...?" Neptune glanced out the window, watching the waves lap against the side of the ferry as it cut through the sea with ease. He turned his eyes to the wall of fog surrounding Akir Island, and sighed, "Not really. Everyone on Akir knows each other, no fresh starts here."

Achilles frowned a bit, concerned. Cautiously, they wrapped their arms around Neptune and pulled him into a hug. Sighing gently, he tried to console Neptune, "While that's true, you and I have each other! We're constants, I'm not going anywhere!" He gave a goofy, bright grin.

Neptune leaned into their touch, smiling faintly again, "Yeah, you're right...constants..." As he leaned into Achilles, he heard a click! as their magnetic bracelets of a scale and a rose snapped together. It always gave him some extra serotonin, hearing that soft clicking sound. It made Neptune feel...closer to Achilles, as silly as that was.

Outside of the boat, the waves hit the side of the ferry with gentle mockery, the winds whipping and howling a lamenting tune. The island of Akir was a strange one, anyone could tell you. The island was small, only about 15 miles long. No chain stores, malls, or any trace of modern things existed on the outside. Everything looked permanently stuck in the 1800s, the pinnacle of the whaling era. But, if you went inside some stores, you would find that many hold modern items, like any other store. However, despite this island being isolated, word spread around the moment anyone had a thought. Some claim others know more about you than you would yourself.

The strangest thing of all...

Was the myth of the Lighthouse Garden.

It was a myth that hung over everyone's head like a grim moon. The tale of lighthouses that had been sunk by revengeful and bitter navy men. However, according to legend, the lighthouse keepers refused to allow the lighthouses to sink, calling upon the Sea Gods to protect their lighthouses. However, the Sea Gods may have listened, but they also had to take something in return. The souls of the devoted keepers. What happened to them? Some say they were reincarnated, given a better chance of life. Others say they serve the Sea Gods. 

But who knew?

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