Misty Lectures

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The fog parted, and the rickety dingy swayed amidst the lulling waves. He climbed out of his falling apart boat, wading in the shallow waters as he looked up. The sun...this was the sun. It glared down at him, causing him to shield his eyes. Turning his gaze to before him, he saw it. The Lighthouse Garden. Running through the freezing water, he outstretched his hand to the warming light of the lighthouses.

"The warmth!"


After what felt like days, when in reality it had only been 15 minutes, the anchor of the ferry finally struck the shoal. The old, scarcely audible intercom crackled on, an ancient voice buzzing out: "Get off the boat, kids, it's time for school."

As soon as the announcement was over, the whole boat swayed as the students aboard sprinted for the rickety doors, slamming them open and bolting to land.

Aside from Neptune and Achilles. Neptune had fallen asleep during the boat ride, and Achilles was now carrying Neptune off the boat, cautious and gentle. Despite Achilles's care, Neptune still stirred and awoke.

"Hmm...Achi...? Are we here...?" Neptune's hoarse voice croaked out. His ordinarily monotonous voice had been replaced with a low one of pure exhaustion.

"Yep! We're here, Neppy! Wakey wakey, time for school!" Achilles joked cheerfully, setting Neptune on his feet and holding his hand to steady him.

Neptune blushed at feeling the warm, reassuring hand of Achilles wrap around his frigid and feeble hand and hearing the clink of their magnetic bracelets connecting once again. As he averted his gaze to the school ahead he yawned before speaking, trying to dismiss and push down the flustered warmth he felt gradually pushing to his cheeks: "Right, yeah yeah. Let's not be late..."

Achilles smiled affectionately at Neptune, before frowning and leaning down to Neptune's face, "Neptune."

"U--u--uhm--" Neptune's face went red as he processed the closeness of Achilles, "Y--y-yes? I-i-i-is something wrong?" Are they okay?

Achilles then cupped his face to get a better look at him, "...You didn't sleep much again, did you? Your eye bags are getting more prominent..." They gave a worried sigh, rubbing small circles into Caspian's cheeks, "Should I start sleeping with you? How late did you stay up? I'm worried, Neppy..." He kept rubbing circles, keeping an observant eye on Neptune.

Neptune stammered a moment, his apathetic facade wavering in the face of seeing Achilles of all people, the one he doted upon, worrying for him. After regaining his composure, he nodded, "O-Of course...I uhm...stayed up all night...don't worry, I'll rest in uhm...the lectures today."

Achilles nodded, understanding, and he rejoined their hands together, leading them both to the lecture hall. Per the schedule, Neptune and Achilles had every class together--a relief for them both. 

Their first class of the day was "Fog Procedures", a class discussing the safety protocols of getting close to the wall of fog surrounding Akir Island, and what happens when you come into contact with it. A boring class for many, and a very selective elective for sure--only 5 kids were in the class, and out of those 5, Neptune and Achilles were the only two to routinely show up.

As they pushed the broken oak doors to the lecture hall open, they saw Professor Nebbia Oscurità--the Professor of Fog Procedures--talking rather bitterly to the psychology professor, Folle Squilibrato. 

Once Professor Oscurità saw Neptune and Achilles, they promptly and harshly dismissed Folle, turning to the two with a warm smile.

"Now there are my two favorite students! To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"...class," Neptune spoke bluntly, pointing to the semi-melted clock.

Oscurità gasped, putting a hand over their mouth before rushing to make themselves look presentable, "Now now hurry! Get to your seats!! We can't waste any time!" 

Oscurità was a frizzy, hazed mess of a person--black curls puffing up and around their worn and caramel face, giving the impression of someone who had just been through a tornado. In their haste, they pulled their puff of hair back into a bun, putting on their thin glasses, attempting to look more presentable.

Achilles laughed at his teacher's disoriented behavior and guided themself and Neptune into seats--side by side, naturally. Looking over to the still sleepy Neptune, he put a hand on Neptune's cheek, speaking fondly, "Are you feeling alright, Neppy? The fog didn't...get you, did it?"

Neptune quickly shook his head, yawning, "No no, not at all...just didn't sleep much."

Achilles gave a warm smile, opening their arms, "Well, I have a portable bed right here!"

Neptune blushed at this kind gesture, and practically crawled into their arms, soon sound asleep. Well, once the lectures started and the other students filed in.

However, Achilles paid keen attention. The Fog was a worrisome thing that kept him awake at night often, fretting about what could happen if it got in.

"...Now, as we all know, The Fog is a being. Not a thing, but an entity. It has a consciousness."

"Professor, if I can theorize?" Came the harsh, jarring voice of a student in the corner.

"Ugh...yes, Teufel?"

"I theorize..." Began Teufel du L'Avocat, a ruthless and stuck-up girl with slicked-back hair and the appearance of some CEO, "...that, in fact, this whole Lighthouse Garden thing is a load of bullshit! Just a myth they created to keep us stuck on this island!"

"Ms. L'Avocat, calm yourself," Warned Oscurità, their hair almost seeming to rise like an animated being.

"In fact! I nominate that we take the boats on the shores and sail through the fog to prove Professor Oscurità and everyone here wrong! And if it DOES exist, it's just some shipwreck!" Teufel asserted, slamming her hands on the table before sitting down, smoothing out her suit.

Professor Oscurità deeply frowned at Teufel's demand, and simply gestured to the door, speaking few words but with all the command of a Captain, "See yourself out."

Teufel felt dread course through her veins, before standing up frustratedly and storming out of the classroom, slamming the door, exclaiming: "You all will believe me soon enough!" 

At the loudness, Achilles had covered their ears. After it passed, he looked at Neptune to see--with great relief--that Neptune had remained asleep during the duration of their classmate's outburst.

"Apologies, class, it seems we must take a few moments to recoup. Take this time while I go talk to L'Avocat to rest and do what you must," Oscurità rubbed their temples before stepping out of the classroom, where hushed and aggressive whispering occurred.

In the meanwhile, Achilles cradled Neptune close, keeping him near their heart as they rocked back and forth. However, Achilles couldn't help but wonder...what if Teufel was right? 

After all, we've never seen the lighthouses, even in photographs. Has the fog always been here since creation? That seems unlikely...

Achilles looked at their notes and saw they'd brought the story of The Captain, a supposed myth about a captain finding the Lighthouse Garden. It was Neptune's favorite story, so he figured to give it a read.


"The warmth! The warmth is so lovely! It feels like home!"

The Captain threw off his hat, allowing his white hair to bask in the warm lights as he trudged excitedly towards the beckoning lighthouses. He began to see what seemed like figures inside, and called out:

"Hello! Greetings! I'm here on goodwill, I just want to make a wish! Would you allow me inside, good friends?"

The figures turned to face him.


Achilles looked at the text with surprise, "What a twist!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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