Chapter I: amongst the blossom.

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Pls i have no idea what i'm doing here. I was just told that im a poetic bitch cause of my line "hu tao, such a unique soul, like a red rose surrounded in white....rare to the eye"

I just popped that out of my ass


Someone said to do a kazuha and scaramouche thing.

Tbh i don't know if they know each other but it works for me!

Twas a deserted moonlit night amongst the newly risen blossom, Each sparkled with life. A single leaf, gracefully hit the water in the lake, creating a ripple. Suddenly, a hand picked it up by their mere finger tips.

"Spring has awaken"

A soft voice said, inspecting the leaf. "And yet so many heartaches."

There was a gust of wind, allowing the single leaf to soar the sky like a bird in flight.

"To a new found love"

The wind blew harder, the water swishing about. All of the leaves on the cherry tree had been freed from their chains. Kazuha turned around to face the now bare tree, the only thing left being a single flower. Kazuha stepped closer to the flower that lay on a single branch, looking at it closely. Before inspecting further, the flower was corrupt by blood. Kazuha took a step back, drawing his sword.

??: oh? Whos there?

A demanding tone said. Kazuha remained calm, planting his foot into the grass.

??: a shy one eh? Come on, come out! Don't keep me waiting, my little whittness.

There was a moment of silence, the only thing that could be heard was the wind. Then, the sound of a single bell echoed through the starry night. Kazuha remained still. Then out of the shadows, a hand drenched in blood appeared accompanied by what looked to be a large hat.

??: fine then, ill be the first to make a move.

The shadows had revealed a man with the backdrop of bloodshed. He had a long scythe and a big hat. His deep purple eyes sharpened, focusing on kazuha. Kazuha squinted.

Kazuha: im sorry but i'm not in the mood for battle.

??: ah is that so? Tsk, what a loser.

The purple eyed man sighed and turned around, his back to kazuha.

Kazuha: what are they planning to do with me, i had witnessed a murder after all.

Suddenly, the unknown's scythe impaled the cherry tree next to kazuha. Kazuha jumped back into the shallow water, watching as the tree fell.

??: I wouldn't stand in water if I were you. You might get shocked~

Kazuha quickly turned back to the man to realize a shining purple vision on his back. Then, a large strike of lightning came down onto kazuha, barely dodging it.

??: my you're fast, but still weak.

Kazuha gripped his sword tighter and swiftly moved to the man's side with the blink of an eye. The man smirked as he jumped out of the way.

??: Come onnn, give me a real battle.

Kazuha: i'm really not in the mood for-

He was interrupted by the sound of multiple footsteps approaching. Perhaps people had heard the lightning strike and had come to fuss over it.

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