Chapter Three

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I get home to the warm at about 7 pm, and Olivia is lucky awake for her last feed before Sadie will put her off to bed. I start with dinner and to be honest, I'm not feeling like making a big dinner tonight, so I just take a pepperoni pizza out of the freezer, and I switch on the oven. All while Sadie makes up a bottle for Olivia.

I slip off my black and grey trainers and slide into my fluffy grey slippers. I go to put my bag in my room, and I grab my folded pile of washing on my way. I still need to wait for the oven to heat up.

Exhausted, I swipe off my minimal makeup and take off my bra, so I am finally comfortable.

I go to put my phone on charge and as I am fishing through my massive bag, I can't find it. I walk out confused about where it could be, and I get Sadie to ring me while she continues to give Sadie her bottle.

"I must have left it in the shop Sadie. I'll have to go back for it now because I need it," I moan to Sadie.

Sadie replied, "Take my car because it's dark now to be walking out on your own."

So, I set a timer on her phone, so she doesn't miss the pizza, throw on an old hoodie and get the keys and leave. I get in the car and drive to the shop, trying to remember where my phone could be.

I get to the shop, park the car and rush to the door. The weather has turned cold and sharp as it's got late and the sun has completely vanished, all I can see in the sky is the clouds and the stars.

Rush to the counter and there's my phone on the bottom shelf. I don't know how I completely blanked and forgot to pick it up.

While I'm here I notice that Sadie didn't empty the mop bucket, so I tip the dirty water away and tidy up a bit more. It's eerily silent in the shop at this time. The town is quite like the world is quiet.

All of a sudden, I hear a loud knocking on the front window. It startles me so much I jump and struggle to catch my breath. I slowly walk over grabbing a coffee jug off the side of the sink. I tiptoe gently to the door trying to focus on the large shadow that keeps moving. As I get closer, I hear whimpering and heavy breathing.

I'm close enough to the window now, just to the left of the door and I see the two figures, continuously knocking on the fogged-up window. It is Grayson and Finn Harding.

I sigh an immediate breath of relief and I rush to open the door and they fall in repeatedly checking behind them before Finn snatches the keys from my hand and locks the door behind him. Grayson looks terrified as his eyes dart around the shop concerned before meeting my eyes and he smiles distractingly.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I burst out, confused by all of this.

Finn turns to me, and it is only then I realise he is hunched over, and his face and knuckles are covered in scratches and marks. The panic and concern must be swiped across my face because Grayson takes my hands and leads me to a table away from the front window.

"Well, Finn just got into a fight after a few too many drinks," Grayson nervously giggles as he turns to watch Finn walk to the back sink to wash some of the blood from his hands.

I stutter, "are you okay? How can I help? Why are you here?" Confused by this whole situation.

I walk over to grab my phone and I ring Eli. I don't know whether I'm supposed to tell off these two 16-year-olds after stubbing in here admitting to drinking and fighting or drive them home. Eli doesn't answer.

Grayson and Finn stand in the corner having a whisper argument. They are muttering too much for me to understand a single word.

"If you need to get home, I can take you both. I have Sadie's car outside. Let me take you home so I know you are both okay. Eli won't answer and I don't know who else to call for you. Let me take you both home," I say, not thinking of any other solution.

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