In Pride Was He

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A victor in pride, exalted high was he,

Courage and strength attained chivalrously.

Roaring crowds cheered approvingly.

For he had overcome calamity.

It was him who brought the land fortuity.

He claimed so by means of purity.

There atop the throne of integrity,

A false stake had he in humility.

When boldly he struck against misery

And soothed turmoil's beast with tongue fluently.

Bouquets of thanks bestowed him gratefully

People hailed him champion eternally.

Boasts the pride, masking as dignity.

But hidden in lapels was pride to see.

Yet a rising sun banished dark iniquity

And gave resolve to ego's enemy,

Opened his heart to some maturity.

Yet without gazing at his own soul, sadly

Departing to find the wicked externally.

To destroy the plight quite heroically

And drive away evil's dynasty.

In place restore freedom, hailed blissfully.

Sought this man to cease pain permanently

And hunt for the ones caught in custody,

Seeking onward, quite virtuously

For the ones burdened in slavery.

But on finding truth disbelievingly,

His mind could not take profundity.

It was not him to be truly free,

A captive enchained in pride was he.

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