- Rules -

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It was a normal day, the sun was high in the sky. In fact for other people it may have been a better day than normal but not for Izuku. This day served as a reminder. The boy sat under a tree, his forest green hair danced in the wind as his emerald green eyes filled with water, and his freckled cheeks were covered in dry tears. Today was his mother's birthday not that he ever got to spend time with her, she was always out which was better than when she was home. But this day was a reminder of her death, a reminder of how he had killed her, a reminder of how he would never show his true strength. Never again.

Midoriya got up from his spot under the tree and began walking to his classes. 'Rule #1: Never show your true potential.' He continued his way to the classroom, he then paused to listen to what his peers were talking about. "Midoriya is a bit strange isn't he?"

"Kero, It's true he's just so... lonely." Midoriya sighed it wasn't the first time he had heard his classmates talking about him but he would be lying if he said it didn't bother him. 'Rule #2: Never trust those you should believe in.'

Izuku waited for the conversation to die down before walking into the classroom.

"Morning Deku-Kun!" Ochako said, smiling at him. "Morning Ochako, good morning Kacchan!" Izuku grinned back, also holding back his anger at her two facades, amazingly Bakugou picked up on this, and instead of his normal attitude he only offered a simple grunt.

Midoriya quietly sat down trying to keep his emotions in check. He quite looked at the whiteboard.

"Everyone sit down and shut up." The classroom was immediately filled with silence. "Today we will be talking about quirk discrimination." Izuku tried to hide himself rolling his eyes but it was too late. "Is something bothering you Midoriya?" I looked up my eyes meeting his."It's just- there are worse forms of discrimination... ones that are much worse than quirk discrimination."

"And what would that be Midoriya?"

"Oh, I don't know, race, gender, religion, sexuality, quirkless!"

Muttering began all over the room.

"I think the quirkless are doing fine."

"Yeah what did he mean by that?"

The only one who stayed quiet was Bakugo.

"That's because you all are blissfully ignorant!" I yelled.


"Midoriya, calm, down."

I stood up from my desk. "I am sick and tired of being calm, I excuse myself."

But before I could leave Mr. Aizawa tried to capture me with his scarf.

I didn't even have time to react...


I broke rule one.


Everyone in the classroom was shocked, including me. I have never seen him angry like this. But I didn't expect what happened next.

Aizawa threw his capture weapon at Deku but Deku grabbed it, throwing Sensei off-balance Deku then pulled him forward like it was nothing before punching him in the face knocking him out. "Aizawa-sensei!" the rest of the class cried out. "What the heck Midoriya!" Racoon Eyes yelled.

"Im so sorry..." Deku said before running out of the room.

Everyone just stood there in shock before Four Eyes managed to speak.

"Go get the nurse and somebody go after Izuku!"

Shitty Hair and Sparky went to get the nurse and Round Face and Half and Half went to go find Deku, meanwhile, I just stared. He managed to disarm and knock out a trained pro-hero without breaking a sweat, "What the hell Deku..."


I ran out of the class using %15 percent so no one could catch me, tears filled my eyes blurring my vision as I sped past classrooms. 'Shit, shit, shit, shit." When I was passing the teacher's lounge I ran into Snipe. "Hey kid, are you okay?" I nodded my head before running past. I could feel his confusion as I ran off. I arrived at the dorms and ran inside before stopping to take a breath. "Izuku?" I heard Mirio asked, I looked up being met with worried eyes.

It looked like he had been reading a book to Eri who also looked at me confused.

"Is everything okay Mr. Deku?" Eri asked, walking up to me Mirio also stood up to get it ready for a fight. "Everything is fine Eri," I said, patting her head. "I just need to get something from my dorm." Eri seemed to calm down but Mirio knew something was wrong. I gave him a nervous smile and ran to my room.


We were all just staring, he had heard what we had said about him?

My heart wallowed in guilt. I had said such mean things about him. I was taken out of my thoughts by Iida yelling instructions. Todoroki and I ran out of the classroom to go find Deku. Although it was much too late to apologize I still wanted to say sorry. I looked over to Todoroki and even though his face still stayed stoic I realized how much pain he was in. "I'll check the bathrooms," he said before zooming off. I then saw Snipe and ran up to him. "Did Deku-kun come this way?" Snipe nodded. "He rushed off a few minutes ago, care to inform me about what's going on?" I looked at him. "Sorry I can't explain but someone in the class can tell you!"

I furrowed my brow and sped off.

I ran to the dorm building and ran inside. "Where's Deku-Kun!?" I said.

Lemillon and Eri stood up and Eri grabbed my hand as we stepped into the elevator.

"He was acting strange but I tried to ignore it, what's going on." I ran over to Deku's room and knocked on the door. "Deku-Kun. It's me, Ochacho." I didn't get a response but the slight sound of crying indicated that he was still there. "Ochacho for the last time, what is going on?!"

"I MESSED UP!" I yelled. "WE MESSED UP WE ALL MESSED UP!" I then lifted my knees up and blocked my face. "I'm sorry Deku-Kun, I'm really sorry.

It didn't take long for Todoroki to arrive. We tried to get Deku to come out or just respond to us but we were only met with silence. Everyone started to arrive at the dorms each of us tried to get him to come outside but he wouldn't. The only response that came out of the room was when Eri asked if he was alright and he only responded with a simple 'I'm okay.' before going silent. Everyone was worried but we all knew we didn't deserve forgiveness.

"Did anyone notice?" Kirishima said softly.

"Notice what?"

Midoriya wasn't using his quirk when he took down Sensei."

We all looked up in confusion before a look of shock.

He was right.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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