Chapter 1

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I woke up to a wet tongue licking my face. I open my eyes and saw jet my pet grey wolf licking my face

"Stop that" I said pushing his face away, jet turned around and pranced out of the room with his head held high. I sat up on the edge of my bed. I rubbed my eyes and look around my room and tried to find my school uniformit was neatly hang on my closet door. my uniform is a green checked shirt and a white button up shirt with the school coats of arms on the right side. i heard mums quiet footsteps walk towards my room.

"I'm up" I shouted

"Ok honey" she open my door and peep her head around the corner "you know" she open the door completely letting the sun beam though my doorframe. Mum has long brown reddish hair and has green faded eyes and wears a lot of gypsy like clothing and loves the colour pink. "If you don't want to go to school to today its fine by me"

"Mum I have to go" covering my eyes from the sun.

"Ok sweaty" she left the room keeping the door open. I collapse back in to my bed and close my eyes.


"Sweaty weak up" she said fast and loud "honey your going to miss the bus" My eyes pop open and saw mum standing in my doorframe. I jump out bed and race towards my uniform. I pulled my dark purple pyjama shirt over my head and grab my school shirt and place it on, I grab the school skirt and put it on. I tuck the shirt in to my skirt. I then grab my school bag and then ran towards the front door.

"Now Rachel, don't forget to grab a apple ok"

"I will," I said whilst putting my lunch in my bag. I grab the handle to our front door and walk out on to our footpath

"Cya sweaty" I heard mum say behind me and loud howl came from jet.

I turned around and mum was standing just outside the front door with jet at her heels. I waved good-bye. Our house is a little stone cottage right next to a river with a nice bright pink cherry blossom near the front door. I turned around and headed down the road off to my school. We live near a forest that's why we can own a wolf cause not many people live in our area and no one knows we own a wolf its just to make sure he is safe. Well everyone except my best friend his name is jack and we've been friends since the beginning of high school. We're both now in year 10 and were like two peas in a pod. We get teases at school, well I get teased. I was walking down the dusty road " oh no I forgot my apple" I was just about to turn when I saw the bus it had just arrived I forgot about the apple and ran full speed to try and make it. I hoped that someone would see me but the only person who did was grace. She had long bright red hair that come all the way down to her hips and always ware's bright red lipstick to match her hair, and her gang, Georgia, who had strawberry hair that was always in a high ponytail and has two curly bits that come down her face as well as a side fringe. But the scary part is her eyes are blood red and she never talks and has a massive scare that runs from the top of her cheek to her nose and Olivia who looks nice cause she has nice long blond hair but she's not she is a every mean girl that does anything to get her way. They don't like me one bit. So they didn't stop the bus. So I missed the bus again. I walk to school It's not a far walk but its easier to catch the bus.I walked down the old road on my way to school. As I reached the town I saw our big black rusty school gates. Our school is just out side the town. I walk towards the gates hoping I hadn't missed the bell. As I got closer I saw a figure standing just outside the gates I was hoping it wasn't our principle Mrs kelp but as I got closer I could see jacks red shaggy hair, and his lean body and his big emerald eyes as well as eye brow piercing which seamed to be a hoop today

"And where have you been missy" he shouted "you weren't on the bus"

I laughed "well I though I better get some exercise, you know as it is getting to spring and I don't want to look big and fat wearing dresses now do I"

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