chapter 3

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Mum and I were sitting at the dinner table. Mum was looking at me and was leaning on the table with the dragon sitting on her shoulder, but my eyes wondered around the room and i had a icepack on my palm.

"Honey look at me" she said, I still didn't look "if you want to know, how I know about dragons you will look at me and listen" she said.

I really wanted to know how she new, she never let me ask about her past. So I turned my head and eyes to her.

"thank you" she said

"Mum I just want to know why you kept this from me that dragons exist.""Well honey, kept it from you cause your father never wanted you to know until you were 18 and your education was finish"

Mum never talk about father she told me he died from a car crash just after I was born.

"Father, what has dad got to do with this, did he know to?"

"Yes, now I know I never talk about your dad or let you talk about him but I'm going to tell you every thing, ok, so you just need to listen"

"ok mum" I was listening now mum for the first time in 14 years is going to talk about dad. "I met your father in town at a super market when I had just turned 20" mums now 37. "And we bump in two each other, he look at me and I look at him and then we apologise. We kept walking just looking at each as we went. The next day I woke up to someone knocking at my apartment door, I open the door and there he was with a bunch of flowers, I though he just came to apologise but then he said a poem he said 'roses are red, violets are blue, when I bump in to you, my heart reach out to you' I look at him in surprise this man I just run in to by accident fell in love with me. I so did I. I took the flowers and invited him in side, we sat and talked and I never knew how well we got along. We hang out for 6 months became his girlfriend for 6 months and on my 21st birthday he ask me to marry him. 3 months later we got married and moved in to this cottage, when we settled in he sat me down right there" pointing to our coach "and told me that he was a prince of a magical world that has dragons and fairies and everything you could imagine he told me that maybe i could see this, I look at him in the same way your looking at me, I ask him how he got here and he said with his dragon he told me he named her Eril. He took me at side and whistle the out of know where a Blue dragon flow towards us she stop right in front us and look at me and bowed her head and so did I. I look at her she look so powerful and strong but yet so fragile, after that day your father and I bonded more. He was about to leave cause war had broken out between his people but then I got pregnant you and so he stayed and sent his dragon away to give a message to his general, then 6 months later you came. When he saw you he stayed but then a evil witch had started to capture cities so he had to go back and it broke him to leave you and so he told me to tell you everything when you were 18, and you were to go to his world. so he left one dragon egg in the forest and left to Emcereth the world he calls home" she look at me. "Dad's alive"

"Yes but he has not been able to return cause things are getting worse, his dad died and now he is king which makes you princess"

"What" I was shocked. I look at the white dragon sitting on her shoulders it look at me it flow off mums shoulder and landed on my lap it crawled up and rubbed my chest. Jet came over to inspect this new object and sniffed at it. The dragon lifted its head and sniffed jet then it sneezed right in to jets face. I laughed, jet got excited the dragon flow off my lap it started playing with jet. I turned in my chair to face them I tried to come up with names for it. But then realised I didn't know what gender
"What gender is it" is said

"By the looks of its broader shoulders and its wider head, I'd say it's a boy"

I though of boy names then one came in to my head

"I'm going to name it Erumollien"

"That's a interesting name"

"Thanks, I found it in a book once"

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