Iron Man - Part 2

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When we pulled for the conference there was a crowd of people waiting for us clapping, lead by the one and only Obie.

"Look at this!" Obie said, opening the car door, Tony and I climbing out of the backseat, followed by Pepper. Obie hugged us as we each got out. "Tony, Emily! We were supposed to meet at the hospital! Look at you two! You had to have a burger, huh?" He joked with Tony and I, leading us through the crowd. "Did you get me one?"

"Sorry there's only one left, and it's mine." I said teasing Obie and grabbing the last burger that was left in the bag.

We walked through the building and came into the room holding the press conference. There had to be at least 50 people there, reporters and so many more. Pepper and I stood at the back while Obie lead Tony to the front of the crowd, where the podium was. I didn't feel like being in the spotlight, which was quite normal for me.

"Miss Stark. Miss Potts?" A voice said from Pepper's other side.

"Yes." Pepper said turning and smiling at the man.

"Can I speak to you for a moment?" He asked.

"We're not a part of the press conference, but it's about to begin right now." She said politely, turning away from him.

"I'm not a reporter." He said. "I'm Agent Phil Coulson with the Strategic Homeland, Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division." And extended his business card for her to take.

"That's quite a mouthful." I said as Pepper grabbed the card.

"I know, we're working on it." Phil said shooting a subtle wink my way.

"You know," Pepper said. "We've been approached by the DOD, the FBI, the CIA..."

"We're a separate division with a more specific focus." He cut her off. "We need to debrief Mr. Stark about the circumstances of his escape."

"I'll put something in the book, shall I?" Pepper reasoned with him.

"Thank you." Phil said and stepped away, motioning with his head for me to join him.

"I'll be back in a second, Pep." I said softly to her and stepped around her following Phil.

"So, a car accident?" I asked him.

"Can everyone sit down please?" Tony asked the crowd, which the crowd complied along with me and Phil.

"It was the easiest cover we could come up with, considering the injuries you had." Phil said softly so no one else could hear and we weren't interrupting the press conference. "Had to keep you in the public eye, especially with your brother. Fury wants to see you."

"And he couldn't have just called?" I said annoyed.

"You have eyes on you everywhere right now. This was the best we could do." Phil explained. "We really need to debrief your brother."

"I'll see what I can do, but he's stubborn." I explained. "I'll keep an eye on him and keep you in the loop."

"Thank you." Phil said. "It's nice to see you awake."

"Thanks Phil. Where are Natasha and Clint?" I asked.

"Budapest, on mission," Phil paused as Tony's voice grew louder.

"I had my eyes opened." Tony said getting up from his seated position. "I came to realize that I have more to offer this world than just making things that blow up." He now stood behind the podium. "And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International until such a time I can decide what the future of the company will be."

The crowd started going crazy at this point, and Tony continued on, Obie jumping in to take over the press conference, but no one paying too much mind to him, everyone focused on Tony.

"Sorry Phil, I have to go." I said rushing back over to Pepper where Rhodey now stood with her. "I think it's time to go Pepper."


Tony and I stood inside Stark International staring at the arc reactor in the main lobby.

"Tony, come on, what's going on?" I asked him, worried with what happened over in Afghanistan.

"I saw things, Em. I did things. I have to make things better." Tony explained. "And since when have you ever taken an interest in the company? You're always off doing God knows what."

"Tony-" I said, then Obie walked in, cigar in mouth.

"Well, that... that went well." Obie said.

"Did I just paint a target on the back of my head?"

"Your head? What about my head?" Obie walked around us. "What do you think the over-under on the stock drop is gonna be tomorrow?"

"Uh, optimistically 40 points." Tony said.

I let him take control of the conversation, the business talk wasn't really my thing. I let Tony take control over the company completely when I started out with SHIELD. As far as Tony was aware, I was just his kid sister straight out of MIT having the time of my life.

"At minimum." Obie said. "We're a weapons manufacturer."

"Obie, I just don't want a body count to be our only legacy."

"That's just what we do. We're iron mongers. We make weapons." Obie argued.

"It's our name on the side of the building, Obie." I argued back.

"And what we do keeps the world from falling into chaos."

"Not based on what I saw," Tony explained. "We're not doing a good enough job. We can do better. We're gonna do something else."

"Like what? You want us to make baby bottles?"

"I think we should take another look into arc reactor technology." Tony motioned to the arc reactor.

"Ah, come on. The arc reactor, that's a publicity stunt! Tony, come on." Obie exclaimed. "We built that thing to shut the hippies up!"

"It works."

"Yeah, as a science project. The arc was never cost effective, we knew that before we built it." Obie said and turned to me. "Arc reactor technology, that's a dead end, right?"

I shrugged my shoulders at him. "Maybe. Don't ask me, I'm not an expert."

"Huh? Am I right Tony?" Obie asked. "We haven't had a breakthrough in that in what? 30 years."

"That's what they say." Tony said and eyed Obie. "Could you have a lousier poker face? Just tell me, who told you?"

"Never mind who told me. Show me."

"It's Rhodey or Pepper. Em wouldn't have told you." Tony pressed.

"I want to see it."

"Okay, Rhodey." Tony guessed, while he opened his shirt to show Obie the arc reactor that was sitting in his chest.

"Okay." Obie said and stepped towards Tony, buttoning his shirt back closed again.

"It works."

Obie sighed. "Listen to me, Tony. We're a team. Do you understand? You too, Emily." Obie now had his arm wrapped around Tony, cigar still in hand. "There's nothing we can't do if we stick together, like your father and I.:

"I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads-up, okay? But if I had..."

"Tony." Obie interrupted. "Tony, no more of this 'ready, fire, aim' business. That goes for you too Emily. You understand me?"

"That was Dad's line." I said.

"You gotta let me handle this." Obie said, patting Tony and I on the backs and started to lead us out of the building back to where Happy was waiting for us. "We're gonna have to play a whole different kind of ball now. We're gonna have to take a lot of heat. I want you two to promise me that you're gonna lay low."

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