2| June

23 8 4

That night, Kyle came running as quietly as possible only to see Asher standing at the door;

"You know, this isn't really called kidnapping?" Kyle whispered in a sarcastic, disappointed tone.

"We don't have much time too you know"

"Ugh fineee"

He took their hand in his and ran together towards the waterfall as fast as they could;

"H-here we are"

"Wow- thi-this is beautiful"

As Asher walked towards the waterfall, the water made a doorway for them.

"See! Even the water knows you're royal, it only opens for June as that" Kyle said.

Asher didn't reply, they still had mixed feelings about this whole situation.

"Helloooo, June, it's me, Kyle, where are you?" Kyle said as he entered. Asher followed slowly.

"WHO ARE YOU? WHAT DO YOU WANT?" June shouted pointing the sword at Asher's back somewhat poking them.

Asher turned around in fear and at their first look both their eyes locked.

"Hey chill, it's Asher, my friend" Kyle said but none of the two heard.

"Hello?" He said expecting them to pay attention to him, Asher and June looked the other way as their faces turned red.

"Oh-uh yeah-" June said awkwardly. "Wait- t-those golden stripes on your hair and eyes- are you-? Asher-?" She asked in shock.

"Y-yes" they spoke surprised, scared. "You've brought me to a witch or what?" They whispered to Kyle slowly elbowing him.

"I'm sorry for how I acted, I just have to be on guard at all times" She said.

"Oh, no problem, it's justified after all" They said.

"How about you both grab a seat and we talk?" She insisted.

"Yeah sure but it's so late at night, are we disturbing you?" They asked concerned.

"Come on Ash! She surely doesn't mind, she's one of us!" Kyle prompted.

"Thanks for your input Kyle, but I'm capable of talking for myself" She said boldly.

"Sorry..." He said with guilt.

"Don't mind him, he's just a little stupid at times" They said to which June smiled.

"So, till she comes, tell me, like it here?" Kyle asked Asher.

"Oh I like more than this place" they said in a daydreaming kinda way.


"Oh- uh- yeah, I like it here, yeah" they said awkwardly.

"Here's the tea folks! Now spill it!" June said as she took a seat.

"Why would you want us to spill this tea? It looks good" Clueless Kyle said.

"W-what? I meant tell me about yourself, how did you come here? How did you two meet? blah blah, not literally dummy!" She nagged.

"Oh- ohhhhhhh, I get it now" He said as the two shook their heads in disappointment.

"Well, I kidnapped them and got them here" He said proudly.

"Kidnap is a heavy word, I was just standing at the door waiting for him and when he did come around, we ran to this waterfall castle" They said.

"I really regret getting you here, you both literally gang up on me" He said in a grumpy way, the two laughed.

"And for how we met, Kyle goes around the forest to find plants and natural stuff for the people back in Asher Town-" They started.

"Ash was locked by their so-called parents a little far from the actual town where people lived and I found them alone near their house when they were 4 and I was 5 and well, hiding from their parents, I would go there every day just to meet them, keep them company in their misery and we became best friends!" He continued.

"He's been the only friend I've had, he's an orphan so he wasn't confined like I was..." they added with a slightly sad look.

"Awh, Ash, uh, do you mind if I call you Ash?" She asked and they nodded.

"Oh so Ash, don't worry, you're safe here with me and I think we'll make good friends" She said with a smile.

"Th-thanks" They said awkwardly.

"You seem tired, how about we go sleep now?" She said with concern.

"Oh yeah, but where?" They asked.

"There are many rooms here, you can go around and see which one you want"

"Mind you coming with me too? This is new and I-"

"Sure! Come on!" She said as they got up.

"Um, I'm here too??? It's like I'm invisible around you two" He said.

"Aw, you look so stupid when you're angry" She chuckled.

"Not funny! But well, can I stay here for the night? I'll leave tomorrow morning" He asked.

"Of course! You can go to any room you like" She said.

"And now for this beauty, come on let's get you a room" She reached out and idly played with a strand of their golden-brown hair.

"Did she just say beauty???" They thought to themself as they felt their heart skip a beat.

"I like this one" They said looking at the little room.

"Really? You sure you don't wanna see more? There are plenty of good rooms, this is kinda dusty and rusty-"

"June, this is good, I like it, don't worry!" They interrupted with a smile.

"Well, as you say" She murmured.

"Good night!" They said before going in.

"'night!" She waved.

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