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On a warm, and still night the full moon hung low in the western sky. Tired, I decided to take a respite by a small fire outside a country cottage. I was young, no older than 5. Shortly after my arrival, one of the owners of the cottage came outside to throw some vegetables in the cauldron above the fire. Spotting me, resting on the ground, she had both a look of surprise and worry. 

Unlike most villagers this woman wore an outfit that spoke of adventure and danger. I assumed her element was Pyro, due to the color and amount of accessories that hung from her belt. The women had long brown hair that went to her lower back, and beautiful amber eyes. She approached me with concern and kneeled beside me. She had a maternal energy balanced by the countenance of a well-traveled warrior. 

In a melodic voice she spoke, "Hello child. What are you doing out here, alone, in the cold?" I realised I had started to shiver. The stranger took a shawl from her shoulders and wrapped it around my head a torso. She extended her hand to me in a gesture of welcoming familiarity. I accepted her gesture and she brought me into her humble cottage. It was a two-story cottage with 7 windows, and plenty of room. Belying the humble fixtures within the cottage there hung an elaborate multicolored tapestry on the wall.

The Central Icon of the tapestry was a pair of fiery wings. Framing the wings were other symbols including two crowns intertwined, a lute, two discs and a bee. Sitting in a large leather chair I could make out the form of a young man and I thought I saw the tucked in wings of a resting bird. The man looked up from his book, I could see he was reading what appeared to be some form of ancient text. It was leather bound with a large brass clasp. The clasp was adorned with a green gem that sparkled with the light of the cottages fire. He said not a word but greeted me with a nod and a smile. 

From the shadowy outline of a doorway a child, about my age, walked into the light rubbing his eyes in a gesture of a disturbed sleep. The boy had disheveled curly brown hair. He wore yellow and white stripped pyjamas that seemed too big for his frame. He held a small blue sheep plushie in his arms. He gentle cuddled up onto his fathers lap. When the man placed the book on side table, the page was open and revealed a sketch of what is now known as the Abyss Mages. I don't know why but a cold chill ran up my spine. 

The woman that had had led me into the house, went towards the kitchen and when she had come back, she handed my a bowl of Radish Veggie soup. "Here child, this will provide both warmth and comfort." She sat across from me at the table, trying to understand my story by slowly observing the manner in which I ate the stew. "I don't believe I've introduced myself. My name if Kristen, what's your name?" I looked up from the table. The last time I had ever used my name was a few years ago. I had almost forgotten it. Almost. "Y-Yvette" I stuttered. I hadn't used my voice in a while, and it sounded rough. Almost before I finished introducing myself, the young boy appeared in the kitchen and proudly and joyfully introducing himself "I'm Wilbur! And this is friend!" He said holding up the sheep when its name was mentioned. 

Kristen stood up from the table, brushed her fingers through my short, tangled, salmon-pink hair, and said, "I think it's time to get you two to bed." She took my hand and led me to the children's room. Inside there were two single beds, and two sets of bunkbeds. She led me to the lower bunk by the window. It had been ages since I'd slept in a proper bed. I'd gotten so used to sleeping in abandoned hillichurl camps that the soft bed was unfamiliar. The warmth of the blanket helped me too quickly fall into a deep slumber.

I opened my eyes and there was a round face staring at me with befuddled curiosity. The moment I opened my eyes, the boy opened his mouth and released a shrill screech, "Dad! There's a strange girl in our house!"  Behind the blonde haired boy I saw Kristen walk into the room. "Tommy, This young lady is no stranger. She is a welcomed guest in our home. Now come on, breakfast is ready." The boy rolled his crystal blue eyes but walked out of the room. 

When I arrived at the kitchen I was surprised to see, three other boys seated at the table, for a total of five children. With the air of a commanding officer, Kristen deftly and efficiently spooned porridge into small bowls and sliced fruit to be shared amongst the children.  It felt odd to be eating food that I hadn't stolen. Wilbur offered me a seat next to him. A toddler in a highchair waved at me. As I returned the wave, my constellation illuminated from my finger-tips. Wide-eyed, The parents stared in awe as my constellation appeared and faded from view. 

That's when I realised it was me who was sitting among strangers. The man must have noticed my unease because he broke the tension with a smile and introduction of the family members seated at the table. 

I already knew Tommy, Wilbur and Kristen. The father introduced himself as Philza or Phil. He had blonde hair, and blue eyes, and looked a lot like Tommy. He seemed friendly, but also willing to do anything for his family. The oldest of the boys was named Techno. He had bright red eyes, and long pink hair in a braid. He wore a small crown of painted iron. He seemed nice enough, And he looked like he would make a great warrior. The tallest of the boys was Ranboo. He had black hair with a white streak in it. His eyes were red and green, which reminded me of Christmas in my old village. He too wore a crown, but it was smaller than Techno's. He seemed distracted, and must've forgotten I was here because when he looked at me, his eyes widened. I smiled at him, that seemed to ease him. The last of the children was Tubbo. His hair was a bit lighter than Wilbur's, and his eyes a bit lighter than tommy's. He held two plushies, one was a bee but the other was a humanoid pig. Tubbo had said the Plush's name was Micheal. 

I had started talking to Techno about the different slimes that roamed the area when a towns person ran into the house. Phil stood up immediately to ask what was wrong "We're not sure sir, but people are saying to leave. There is something going around, and I'm not sure your children are safe." My eyes widened. I knew that the 'something' going around had to be a sickness. I was sure of it.

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