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~TW Warning:This is going to contain some messed up stuff like bullying,some things that disgust some people and some other things.If you don't like any of these things I'll leave a warning before I write it~

~Ray POV~
It was the next day and it was very early.I realised that I had grew feelings for Emma.I mean who wouldn't.She's adorable and so loveable.I was going to keep the flirting game up and confess to her someway somehow.

~At school,Emma POV~
It was the second to last period and I was separated from everyone.I hated that because a lot of people thought I was crazy and too energetic.But it was P.E and I'm good at exercise.I was searching in the locker room for my shirt so I was just in my crop top that was see-through but not see-through.I didn't mind because it was only girls in there.But I couldn't help but overhear what they were talking about.

"Look at the poor girl,looking for her top.It would be a shame if some took it and saw she was wearing a see through shirt..."One of them said,oddly  close to a phone.From the phone there was a cracking voice of boys saying things like 'ooh' and 'such a shame'.

This scared me.I started searching quicker but I just couldn't find it.Tears started pouring down my chubby cheeks.I heard the girl group snickering and laughing.Then I heard footsteps.I tried to stand up but one of the brunette girls held me down.I was frightened.I'd never been bullied before but I thought I'd learn what that was like.One of the girls got water and poured it on me.Making my top completely see through and my hair soaking.The rest were whispering and laughing.One who looked like a walmart Kokona stepped forward.She grabbed my chin and raised it up.Her fingers were so cold.She then slapped me.And did some sort of code to the other girls to hold me down.


And so they did.The brunette who slapped me then crouched down and smirked.She then looked down at my voluminous chest section.

"You're so beautiful and fragile,Emma. Anyone could touch or do anything to you and you wouldn't be able to defend yourself.."She whispered into my ear.The other three girls were sitting on a bench,watching and snickering.I tried getting out but their grip was inescapable.Then it hit me.

"Class is going to start soon!"I whimpered.They chuckled.

"Sweetheart..class was cancelled today so we didn't have to be here.."One of the sitting girls said.I didn't know that. I was crying more.They were all laughing.The girl in front of me started getting closer to me until I was super uncomfortable.She started putting one hand on my thigh and one on my chest area.I think I was yelling without knowing so the girls who were holding me down put their hands on my mouth until I shut up.She started sliding her hand up my skirt and with the other hand rubbing my chest area.I was extremely uncomfortable.I heard footsteps so I thought I was saved.But there was a shady guy I didn't know.He greeted all the people in the room then the brunette girl moved for him to go there instead.When he was there,if it was even possible,I was even more uncomfortable.He however didn't leave my shirt on.He took it off leaving it ripped on the ground and I was speechless.I was trying to think of a plan but I couldn't with the weight of the girls holding me down.It was no use.Either way I'd end up getting hurt. I wish Ray,Norman,Anna,Gilda and all the good thinkers were in my head.The shady guy kneeled down and hand one of my titties clenched in his fist.This was even more uncomfortable.He then focused on my titties.He licked his lips and started sucking on him.

"Bold move."The others agreed.
He ignored and continued doing this, leaving a mark.He then switched to the other and did that.Eventually he ended up taking my skirt off and did that all over my body.I eventually passed out leaving them capable of all sorts of things.

~Later on~
I woke up,being fully naked and having live bites all over me.I tried to get up but my legs just didn't want to work.I remembered what had happened until I passed out.I started unintentionally started crying again.I crawled to the bench where I saw my oversized shirt and phone.I started texting the enthusiastic gc.

~In the GC~

Don❤️😂:So that's why I think potatoes are superior to flowers!
Gilda😌❤️:That's not how it works Don-
Me:Uh girls....
Anna and Gilda:Yuh?
Me:I'm at the girls locker room can you pick me up...
Anna❤️✨:Why are you there?
Me:Code Orange and Code Yellow..
Gilda❤️😌:Oh god!Sure we'll come,but Ray's our ride,because he has a car.
Me:Okay..please hurry..

~Back IRL~
I had my oversized shirt on and I was near the door so I could hear them.To my luck,I heard 3 familiar voices calling my name.

"I'm in here!"i softly squealed.

They rushed in and saw red marks all over me.Ray was the quickest to hug me and he was the one who put me in the car.I eventually told everyone what happened and a beat down happened.
It was not pretty.Blood was all over the place.Most The girls could pass away right on the spot.But they hurt the shady dude so much he was in hospital for a month.Everyone was involved. Except the innocent children like Phil and Connie.My mother was phoned as they somehow pinned it around on me saying "i shouldnt have been there in the first place" and "she was asking for it!she wore a see-through top!" But my mother had none of it.They were expelled,my mother had something to do with that,and had bad degrees, diplomas all that stuff.Gilda was driving and Anna was in the front seat.
I was leaning on Ray when I heard him whispering.

"Emma you're the beautiful amongst the ugly.The brightness of the dark. Will you be my significant other?"
I blushed at this.I stopped laying on him and looked him in the eye.Instead of using any words,I forced myself on him and accidentally pushed him down.

"Your cherry lip gloss tastes nice."He whispered into my ears.

"Oh really?"I asked raising one eyebrow.I pushed my lips on his once again and this time for longer.I paused.

"And yes.I will be your girlfriend."I said.

"EEEEE!"Anna squealed,holding a phone in her hand.We sat up immediately.She winked as we arrived at my house.She and Gilda got out of the car,then opened up me and Ray's door.They helped me walk into the house where my mother greeted me with the worried face.She picked me up like when I broke my leg from falling, and brought me to my bed.Everyone, but Ray followed because I needed to change,but I couldn't because of my legs.We used makeup to hide the love bites all over me then they found a outfit that looked like what Ray would wear if he liked the style I wear.I also had some shorts underneath. We walked back downstairs,well I got carried,and Ray was drinking some water.He turned around to see what I chose to wear,then spat out his water and got all red in the face.I chuckled than remembered a way I got around as a kid.

For some context,when Emma was a kid she learnt gymnastics because she wanted to be like Simone Biles,who she saw on TV.

So I jumped down and landed on my hands.I walked on my hands like Ty Lee from ATLA all the way to Ray.I was also tired so I sat on his lap and laid my head on his shoulder.I yawned and my eyelids shut.I fell asleep on Ray,who was still a blushing mess.

Btw this is what it looked like

Btw this is what it looked like

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