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Warning, mature content ahead.

"Harith?!" Lesley nearly screams, as her clothes and hair were all wet and the coffee was hot. She could see the innocent Harith, who was lower his head, afraid.

"I'm so sorry, sister! Granger push me." He points his finger to the black garments man. Then, Harith was busy collecting the coffee cups along with its tray. Lesley now focused on Granger. She walk forwards to him.

"Hey, Duke Granger of Light! No apology from you? You think that was funny?!" Lesley hold her breath. She was all wet, no clothes for change.

"Hah, who are you to be mad?" He replied. His cold eyes laid down to her, as it was striping away her courage.


"Now you owe me an apology. You have pissed me off." Granger smirk. Lesley was shocked. She nearly slapped him, but it could make the situation awkward as Harith is watching.

"What?! First you don't want to admit your wrongdoing to me, now you insist me to apologize to you? What the freak man? What kind of duke are you?!" Lesley yells, as she could not take it anymore. This is humiliating! She grabs her rifle and focus on him.

But then, Saber interfered. He pull his duel sword, protecting his master. Lesley clenched her jaws. This is bullshit. She lowers her gun before make her way back to Harith.

"Em, sister Lesley, the princess is here." Harith announce Silvanna's arrival.

"Ek, Lesley, what happened to you?!" Silvanna rush towards Lesley, who now smells like coffee.

"Well, she loves having a bath in coffee, right Saber?" Granger crack a joke, which is nor funny at all. Lesley crumple her fist, angry. How dare he?

"Princess, I think I will reject your generous offer. I can't stand being with this kind of rude people of yours." Lesley tightened her grips on her rifle. She left the castle with angry hearted. That duke, he humiliate her in front of everyone!

So, he thought that he have powers and title, he could easily bully me? Hah what a coward man I must say. Fuck it. I don't want to work with Moniyan anymore. Most people treat me like rubbish!

Lesley ease her thought after all of those curse. She don't grab any carriage as it will make the carriage smelly. Being considerate, she walks.

As she walks, she meet Gusion with his purple scarf. She smiles, awkwardly. Gusion who notices her straight away, grabs her to side.

"Lesley, why are you all wet? You smell like coffee." He speaks the truth. Lesley sigh.

"I know, Gusion. You don't have to tell me right on my face. Can I use your house's bathroom? Oh, your towel too." As she knows that Gusion now live separately from his family, especially after he received a new sister in law. Yup, it's awkward.

"Oh, sure. Come, follow me. As your boyfriend, I should be nice, would I?" Gusion chuckles, proud. Lesley rolls her eyes, annoyed by his sudden act. After having this bullshit day, Lesley sigh.

A few walks, they arrived at Gusion's home. Lesley receives a small towel with change clothes. She thanks Gusion before take a fresh bath. Luckily, she once slept twice or thrice here, so her undergarment is here. Relieve, she dry her long hair after getting out of the bathroom.

Gusion was sitting on a sofa, watching  his cute cats playing together. Lesley chuckles. Gusion do loves animals, especially cats. Lesley then take a seat beside him, which he greatly smile after that.

"Can I dry you hair?" Gusion asks. Lesley nods, giving him the towel.

"Sure, why not?" She change her seats, sitting on the carpet. Lesley plays with the cats, while Gusion was having his time drying her long magenta hair.

After a while, Gusion was bored.

"It's done. Now, what can we do?" He puts the towel away. Lesley's hair is a bit damp, but it's okay. Lesley chuckles before sit on his lap.

"Don't you want to hear my bad day story for today?" She chuckles before put her palm on his cheek.

"Sure, but what do I get as an exchange?" Gusion smirk, waitinf for her answer.

"I'll give you a kiss. A good one." Lesley blink her left eyes. She undo her eye patch, revealing her two different eyed coloured. Heterochromia, people said.

"Hehe alright. Tell me all about your day, today." Gusion patiently wait.

"Well, this morning was okay, since I got the letter from the empire, you know, as an assassin?" She grins. Gusion nods, patting her head.

"Go on, I'm all ears."

"Then, Harith lead me to the princess, but she was training, though. So she have me waiting for her. But then, a bullshit guy, the duke of Light, purposely push Harith to me! All of the coffee was fell on me, Gusion! I was humiliated by him. He told me to apologize? What's his deal?! Grrrrr." Lesley feels emotional. 

Gusion pouted. He then kiss her on lips.

"Hey, that was a direct attack." Lesley blushed, but she like it.

"Owh, really? Then kiss me." Lesley chuckles before she give him a deep kiss, involving tongue.

A few minutes passes, she broke the kiss and their saliva was still connected.

"You look hot." Gusion kiss her on neck. Lesley chuckles before slid her palm under his shirt.

"You too. Can I take it off?" She grins.

"Of course." Gusion gladly answered.

It's been a while since they meet, so they really missed each other. It's not their first, though.

"It tickles!" Lesley nearly let out her moan, especially when her sensitive ear was being licked.

"Then, why don't you tickles me too?" Bravely, he asked.

"Ah, what do you want me to do? I'm in a good mood now. I'll do." She blink her left eyes before give a peck on his cheek.

"You can suck it. I really want to feel it." Gusion offers. Lesley slowly undo his pants, lower it down. It reveals his long member.

"Sit still, okay?" She got down from his lap, sitting on the carpet once again. She undo his tight underwear.

Slowly, she licks the side of it. Gusion groans. He likes it.

"Ah, I like it!"

Then, the both of them was driven away from morale.


Last edit: 26/6/21

Publish: 21/2/23

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