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It was getting quite late. We should've arrived in Kamino three hours ago, but the coach broke down, we got stuck in traffic and then had to wait ages for a car crash to clear up. Great. Just great.

The time was around seven in the evening and the sun had already set a while ago. That's the thing about winter, the sun sets early. Which was a very, very bad thing when you needed to get somewhere before the light goes... Yeet, to put it in a mild way.

I could hear Kyoka's little snores as she slept and Kacchan's humming to one of our latest songs. We were currently the most famous band in all of Japan and we were supposed to be in Kamino by four in the afternoon.

I glanced out the window to stare at the passing cars on the road. Red, silver, black, white, silver, black, black, blue, black, green. I had nothing better to do anyways, since we were going to be on the road for another thirty minutes minimum if all went to plan. So far... I wouldn't say anything about things going to plan.

Thirty minutes feel like a very long time when you don't have anything to do. I know that I talk a lot about being bored, but what else am I supposed to talk about? Our band?

There's nothing much to our band to be very honest, and I don't know how we rose to the top in the Japanese Artist Billboard Chart. We've released quite a few songs: Royal, Flamethrower, Throwback, Curved Lines, and a few others. Kacchan plays the drums, Jirou sings and plays the guitar and I do the other singing parts and the electronic parts of each song. We'd usually sit around a table with a guitar and a keyboard just composing music for hours on end.

We are currently on tour around Japan, and our next stop is Kamino where we'll be staying for a month or two for concerts, fan meetings, days out and just generally having fun too. I'm excited to see what this place has to offer, especially since the other places like I-island and Hosu have all been really entertaining to visit.

"Everyone! We have two minutes until we reach the destination! Please get your bags ready and wake up any sleeping passengers!" Our driver's voice came over the speakers and I gently shook Kyoka's shoulders to wake her up.

"Hey.... Kyoka! We're almost there, so you might want to wake up now!"

Kyoka stretched and gave me a push to which I playfully returned. The three of us act like we hate each other, but we are quite literally non-related siblings.

The bus pulled up to the parking lot and the doors slid open, finally letting us off after five hours of sitting in it. It felt good to stretch my legs as I hopped off the bus with my bags to grab our suitcases from the storage. Kyoka went to take the instruments and music, Kacchan handled the clothing, and I handled the other stuff.

The hotel was large, and the entrance was very modern, with an electronic rotating door and a glossy, marble reception. Everywhere I looked, things were just so perfectly designed. It made me want to be an architect. But I loved music more, so maybe when I'm retired, I'll go be an architect. Yep, tired Izuku making a lot of sense as usual.

Our organiser, Aizawa Shota and his husband, Yamada Hizashi, checked us in. Their talk with the receptionist was short before they nodded at us and we continue to our rooms.

The hallways had white walls with little lights that faced up, illuminating it. The carpet was black with little square designs on. We took the elevator to the 18th floor and stepped out into a hallway with a plush red carpet with some sort of quaver pattern on it. Each door we passed has a musical note on it. It made me laugh a little, how they had a floor just for musicians. I wasn't complaining though.

"Alright, we're here! Bakugou, you have room 132-A, Midoriya you take 132-B and Jirou, you take 132-C. Your rooms are all connected, and you can lock those doors whenever you want. The rooms are also soundproof when you close the doors, so you can jam up to midnight, but I don't think it's a good idea. You each have your own bathroom and walk-in closet as well as a balcony that's connected. If you need anything, Hizashi and I are going to be in room 133-A. Here are your room keys." Aizawa handed out the door keys, giving each of us two cards each, just in case we lost one.

I said goodnight to Kacchan and Kyoka and unlocked my door. To say the room was magnificent was an understatement.

There was a chandelier hanging above a four-poster bed, which had red pillows, and fluffy blankets. There was a large area for your music instruments with LED stage lights that changed colour, a big walk-in closet that was already equipped with bath robes. The bathroom was modern and bright: a large sink, bathtub, shower and has its own toilet cubicle because... Everyone needs one of those? Why not?

I then decided to quickly put everything away in the drawers and take a quick shower before going to bed. I have a fan meeting event tomorrow at ten o'clock sharp, and I couldn't miss it, so it would be great if I could sleep early.

After I had showered, Kacchan and I went to Kyoka's room to watch a movie before going to bed. We had decided that going to sleep at eight was too early and we all wanted to sleep at nine. So, we spent our evening watching Avengers: Endgame which was a nice way to let out all our stresses. Tony dies though and that was quite sad to see a figure like him in the MCU go.

After that, I turned in and went to sleep in my room, dreaming about how tomorrow would go.

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