The begining

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Funneh's p.o.v.

It's another morning like any old one, except I'm not at Yandere high anymore. I wake up and realize it's time for college my first day and I already miss my old school. After I left yhs I felt like there was a piece of me missing cause I moved back to Canada but now I'm back in america who knows who I'll bump into.

I got out of bed and I started to get ready. Basically I brushed my hair and got dressed. After that I grabbed my bag and put in everything I needed to bring. Then I wake up Gold and surprisingly she's not awake yet. Usually she's the one waking me up. She gets up and she's so excited. "Yay first day of college!!" She yelled. "Why are you so excited?" I said to her. "Because Kyran is going there too!" She screamed in joy. I looked at her thinking she was kidding. "C'mon Gold we haven't talked to them in two years" I said, hinting at her to stop joking around. "But Funneh I'm not joking I bumped into him and Alec and we caught up and I asked where they were going to college or even if they were" she said annoyed because of me thinking she was joking. "Wait Alec is going there two?!?!?!?!" I asked in a very worried voice "Yeah why?" She said giggling "No reason!" I said, sounding really worried.

Gold's p.o.v.

I looked at Funneh after I asked why it was a big deal that Alec was gonna be there and she said it was nothing to worry about but I could tell she was lying cause she looked really nervous. "Ok look Funneh what happened between you and Alec?" I asked in a way that sounded like I was demanding her to tell me. "Well I told him I was leaving and he looked sad and walked away the next day he came to the dorm while I was packing and you let him up in my room and all of a sudden kissed me..." she said awkwardly.

I couldn't believe my ears. Alec kissed Funneh?!? When did this happen?!? "Why didn't you tell me Funneh!!" I screamed. "It doesn't matter right now we're gonna be late for school" she said very quietly.

Time skip at school

I look around to see if I can spot Kyran and Alec then I spot the bright haired Kyran yeah it's not that hard to spot him since him and Funneh have a unique hair color. Once I spot them I grab Funneh's arm and drag her over there. Once we got there I gave Kyran a hug. It was obvious he blushed. He looked like a tomato. I let go of the hug. Funneh tried to give Alec a hug but Alec walked away. Funneh looked really sad. I felt bad for her. "What was that all about?" Kyran asked, giggling. "Kyran! Shut up Funneh hasn't seen Alec in years and something happened between the-" I said, lashing out at Kyran not realizing I told him something happened between them. "I'm so sorry Funneh I didn't mean to laugh if I would of known I-" Funneh cut him off "You know what I'm just gonna walking here and me and Gold are gonna make some new friends ok Kyran I was excited when gold said you were coming here but right now your acting like prince the one you used to hate remember?" Funneh yelled and stormed off. "I'm so sorry Kyran she's had a pretty tough year..." I said. "What do you mean?" he asked. "You'll find out," I said.

Time skip to a week later

Funneh POV

I sit here on the cold sematary ground crying today is the 1 year Anniversary of my mom and dad's death.

As I'm crying I hear footsteps behind me. I turn my head surprised to see my old friend Evan.

"Funneh is that you?-" Evan said shyly "yeah it's me..." I said, trying not to cry again. "What's wrong, why are you crying?" He asked me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I turned my head back around and looked at the grave in front of me and said "you see this grave right here?" "Yeah what about it?" He asked "1 year ago today my parents died. They were on their way to get me and gold from school and they got into a car accident and everyday since I blame myself..." 

A/N hey guys I know this is trash and short but it will get better and expect updates on saturdays bye! 

back for collegeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ