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Edgar thought about everything, of course he loved Luca! But why would he run from him. Edgar took his mind off of everything by painting. Soon he fell asleep, forgetting everything that has happened.

He woke up to pounding on the door, "EDGARRR!!" He recognized the voice. Mike.

Edgar didn't look the best but didn't mind since it was only Mike. "What is it.." Edgar said in a tired voice while stretching. "Finally! You've been asleep for sooo long!" Mike said in an exaggerated voice. "Whatever, just come in." Edgar mumbled.

Mike randomly smirked and said "So.. how's you and Luca.." It all came back to Edgar. Edgar suddenly got up, "I have something to do" He said, a fake smile plastered on his face. Mike was left there with a confused expression, he shrugged and went to talk to Fiona.

Edgar knocked on Luca's door. "Luca?" , he was about to leave but the door opened just in time. Edgar could tell Luca had been up all night. Edgar ran into Luca and hugged him, "I'm so sorry Luca!" Edgar said with tears in his eyes. Luca gave a caring smile and hugged him, he twirled Edgar's ponytail and gave him soft kisses on the head. Edgar continued to cry into Luca's chest.

This went on for a long time till finally Edgar pulled away from Luca and gave him a smile. Luca wiped Edgars tears with his thumb and gave a crooked smile.

"I love you Eddie"

One last hug and they went downstairs.

Mike was sitting there playing with his food. He noticed Edgar with Luca and giggled to himself, he waved at Edgar and Edgar came toward him with Luca behind him. "Finally your here! I see you set things off with Luca.." Mike winked at Luca. "Drop dead" Edgar said while sitting next to Mike. "Hello! Mike is it?" Luca said with a smile. "That's me!" Mike said.

The 3 had a long conversation, Mike waved as Edgar and Luca went back to their dorms.

Edgar wasn't very familiar with affection. He has never be in an relationship, especially with someone the same sex as him. He didn't mind though, he loves Luca and much as Luca loves him.

Edgar went to Luca's door to help him with a project. He looked at all the blueprints and started working with Luca. To Edgar it looked like something was on Luca's mind. Every now and then Luca gave a smile to Edgar but he still had a worried expression on his face.

"Luca? Is something wrong.?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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