glorified sperm doner

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Y/n I'm your father" he says putting his hand out.

"You're not my father, my father is the man currently behind me, you're nothing but a glorified sperm donor" I say pissed. The fact that he has the audacity to come here and act like nothings happened

"Y/n I just wanna talk" he says, taking a step closer to me.

"Well I dont, so respectfully get the fuck out of my house and dont come again" I say starting to walk away.

"Y/n hear him out" my mom says holding my arm to stop me from leaving.

"Hell no" I say looking over at taichi. He notices my look and begins to speak.

"Y/n please just try it. I promise I won't be offended or anything this is supposed to be for you. Maybe you can get some closure or even start a relationship with him. it's completely up to you but give it a shot". I sigh deciding to give up.

"Ok fine" I agree, causing the man before me to light up a bit.

"Thank you so much. Is it okay if we speak alone" he says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure whatever" I say ready to get this over with. Life really has a way of screwing me over recently.

"We'll be in the kitchen" my mom says and with that they both walk off. I plop on the couch not really bothering to glance at the man.

"Why are you here?" I say, picking at my nails.

"I missed you and I want to get to know you since I feel I'm a better man now" he says confidently.

"Oh please better man my ass and you woudlnt have to miss me If you never left and if you never left you would know me so fuck off with the bullshit. I'm really not in the mood" I notice him tense a bit.

"You have to understand that I wasn't ready to be a father at the time" he tries to reason.

"Oh so you can just choose when you want to be a father right well what if i'm not ready to be your daughter yet huh what gives you the right to walk in here and expect me to treat you as anything but a stranger" I glare at him though he doesn't seem to be too affected by it.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. But I want to make up for lost time. Come, look at the pictures of us. I've always kept them in my wallet, you were so tiny then we were so happy we can be like this again if you just give me a chance" he says trying to change the subject.

"That's not fair and you know that's not fair don't sit here and try to guilt trip me. You are the one that left not me. You took away our happiness so don't try to put this on me. We could still be like that if you didn't leave. Honestly though I want to thank you for leaving because now I have kai and taichi and I wouldn't trade them for the world".

"Don't act like that man can replace the bond between me and you as father and daughter" he says annoyed. That instantly sets me off.

"What the fuck did you just say? Replacement? bond? What fucking bond the moment you walked out that door without even a single goodbye was the day that supposed bond ceased to exist. And the fact that you have the audacity to even suggest that taichi is a replacement disgusts me. That is my father regardless of blood or DNA and you will refer to him as such. He was there for me everyday when 5 year old me was crying cause my dad was missing. Did you know I thought you were kidnapped. Do you understand how traumatizing that is for a 5 year old to think that her dad was in danger just to find out that he willingly left. Even then I waited everyday by the phone waiting for a call just for nothing to come through. That man raised me even before he got with my mother purely out of the kindness of his heart so don't call him a replacement when he did what you couldn't do" I say trying to catch my breath. Suddenly I felt something wet on my nose. I wipe it, noticing it was a tear. I hurriedly wiped my face not wanting to show him how much this is affecting me.

"But that's the thing I want to do it now" he says calmly.

"You can't choose when you want to be a parent. The moment you came in my mom and I was conceived was the day you decided to be a parent and the day you left was the day you lost your chance. Sorry to break it to you but it's too late. I'm damn near an adult now and I'm happy with my current family. I'm not interested in a relationship with you."

"You're not understanding my side" he says, rubbing his hands down his face.

"Then help me understand because from what I know you just woke up one day and decided parenthood wasn't for you. So go ahead and explain your side" I yell causing him to flinch and look away. The guilt that washes over his face proves to me that I'm right. I wait for him to speak but nothing comes.

"What you ain't got nothing to say now. Its cause I'm right isn't it. So you just left without a single thought about how it would affect us right. You didn't think about how hard it would be for my mother to raise me alone. I mean you couldn't even do it with her help but she was supposed to be okay alone with no support right" I feel nauseous just thinking about how I'm related to such a selfish piece of shit.

"I was young, I had ambitions and goals okay" he says defensively.

"Oh so I'm the problem now. You left cause i was stopping your goals. Im sorry my existence was such an inconvenience for you. That must have been tough. How are those goals and ambitions now? Are you a global rockstar? Oh oo maybe you are a big shot ceo with an a million dollar company? Or are you just your everyday average civilian with maybe a mild alcohol problem and an addiction to cigarettes" I say mocking him. Although I feel a sharp pang of hurt from hearing what he said. All my life everyone tried to convince me it wasn't my fault he left. And I actually began to believe it so for him to sit there and tell me it was my fault hurts like hell.

"That's not what I meant. It's just everything I'm saying is just coming out wrong okay" he says with a sigh.

"Then maybe you should shut up. How about that. Because everytime you speak all I hear is the chance of me even wanting to see your face again slip away"

"Is it okay if we try this again some other day so I can have time to better collect my thoughts?" he says, trying to compromise.

"Sure go ahead. I can't guarantee I'll be here though. I might spontaneously leave and join the circus. You know goals and ambitions. I mean I'm young right" and with that I storm upstairs to my room.

For background, your parents had you when they were both 19. You were 5 when your father left and he was 25.

Taichi is a teacher. He was your kindergarten teacher at the time your father left. He found out about your home situation when one day you were crying in class about how your scared your dad was hurt. After he consoled you he made it a point to help you out as much as he can. He then later on met your mom they fell in love and boom marriage and Kai was born.

Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter. I decided to post it a little early since it's been finished for a cool minute.

@Lifeisadrag707 is my back up account though i wont post on there unless necessary

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