Outsider Vs domestic

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After the movie ended Patton and Roman started talking, though I wasn't paying attention until they stopped.

"Stay for dinner?" Virgil asked quietly, speaking with that insecure tone of his like he was preparing for rejection.

He was fiddling with the sleeves of his jumper nervously and I couldn't bring myself to say no.

"If it is alright with you all?" I asked, looking around the room waiting for the other two's affirmations.

"Of course you can! We'd love to have you stay." Patton beamed, bubbly, loud and cheerful as always.

Roman didn't say anything and didn't even look at me so I took Patton's words as confirmation from the both of them and turned back to Virgil, who had a hopeful, shy smile on his face.

"Then yes, I'd be happy to stay for dinner." He smiled brighter at that and Patton wiggled in place excitedly.

"We should make pasta!" He squealed out, eyes shinning with delight as he patted Virgil's legs repeatedly. Getting the message, Virgil lifted them up off Patton's lap and the older sprung up happily looking down at the rest of us.

"C'mon let's get to it. It's gonna be so much fun! Do you cook, Logan? You should help, it'll be great." The words tumbled out of him quickly and I found myself lost as I tried to follow along, looking over at Virgil for guidance and finding him smiling gently at Patton instead.

"Okay! Let's do it." Roman spoke, standing up and scooping Virgil into his hands in the same motion. Virgil frowned at him and Roman scoffed.

"What? I like carrying you." He said in defence, beaming when Virgil rolled his eyes and slung his good arm around his shoulder to concede.

I stood up afterwards as well, sides feeling cold at the lack of contact, suddenly feeling freezing in the previously hot room.

I followed the trio out the room and into the kitchen, watching as Patton turned on the radio and Roman placed Vigil down on-top of the counter before they both started getting out ingredients and pans. Although it was more Patton then Roman and I stood awkwardly by while the two began to sing, feeling out of place and unsure of myself.

Virgil saw me and must have taken pity on me because before I knew it he was beckoning me over before starting a conversation so I felt included.

I talked back, appreciating the effort and every now and then Roman or Patton would add something into the conversation, the whole thing feeling natural and normal even as, at some point I started helping out with stirring the source. It was relaxing, I realized, having something to do, chatter and noise all around me, life brimming in the bright room.

I realized at one point that I'd never get more content in my life, no unwanted thoughts, no feeling put of place, no discomfort.

Everything was pleasant.

It was chaos serving up the food. The good kind of chaos, and I enjoyed watching with mild amusement as Patton almost dropped anything he held and Roman had to dive in to stop some things from falling off of counters. Things that had been left too close to the edge. I moved all the dirty things to the sink once the food had been served into plates, rinsing them out and finishing just as the last place was set down on the table.

We all sat down and watched as Roman placed a handful of grated cheese on top of his serving, eating it with the same grace he'd eaten the popcorn. None.

Virgil picked at his slowly, cutting it up very small and pushing it around his place a lot while I ate normally. The way I'd been taught to eat. Back straight, hands in the correct positions on the cutlery.

Patton, I noticed curiously, had his knife and fork in the wrong hands and I opened my mouth before I could stop myself.

"You hold your fork in your right hand?" Let it be known that I was terrible, even now, at restraining my own impulses. I bit my lip as soon as I'd finished, hoping I hadn't offended him. Though, knowing Patton, he was a hard person to offend.

"I'm left handed!" He smiled, shaking his left hand for visual aid and Virgil rolled his eyes fondly.

"It's not cause you're left handed Pat." He scoffed, not unkindly.

"You just eat weirdly." Patton smiled back brighter and I found it interesting that one of my soulmates were left handed. Supposedly, left handed people were more creative then right handed people. Though I doubted that it was true as I too was left handed and was most undoubtedly not creative.

"Well I like holding them this way. It's easier. It feels weird the other way." He pouted, twirling more pasta around his fork and shoving it in his mouth.

Roman dumped more grated cheese on his in the pause in conversation.

Roman was also the first one to finish, then Patton, then myself and then, finally Virgil who still had quite a bit of food left on his plate. I watched as Patton noticed, looking at the others' plate for a second too long before picking it up and taking it off the table along with his, Roman's and mine.

Although I would have preferred to do it myself, I thanked him nonetheless.

I could tell at that moment that the evening was coming to an end, Virgil suppressed a yawn, hidden behind his hand and I recognized this as the moment that I should take my leave.

"Thank you for the meal and the company." I started, sincere.

"I enjoyed it very much but I should most likely be on my way back now." It was getting late and the busses only ran till a certain time.

I took my phone out of my pocket and pressed the button on the side to turn it on and check the time only for it to take a couple seconds too long, making me realize that it had run out of battery.

That was less then ideal.

"Aww, are you sure?" Patton whined but it was probably only to be polite. I had most likely overstayed my welcome already. It hadn't escaped my notice that they'd refrained from kissing and other more intense acts of intimacy while in my company, most likely not to make me uncomfortable, which I was grateful for. But it was unlikely that they wanted me in their home when they could be spending time with each other.

"Oh! I can give you a lift if you'd like!" Patton offered, smiling and clapping his hands together.

"I'd hate to inconvenience you." I replied, polite, realizing in that moment that I'd almost sounded like my mother did when she used to have company.

It made me uncomfortable and I hoped it hadn't shown on my face.

"Nonsense! I want to, we can talk more and have fun and it's easier then letting you take the bus or walk. Faster, too!"

"If you're sure." I sounded hesitant, which, in all honesty, I was.

The idea of spending time alone with Patton, who, again, was one of my soulmates, was daunting. I hoped I wouldn't do anything to mess it up.

"Great! Then let's go!"

(Fun fact, my brother actually holds his fork in his right hand when he eats. He's not left handed though, he's just weird. I'm left handed actually and so is my oldest brother.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Logan is so weak for Virgil is hilarious.

Also, and I know I need to stop talking now but lemme finish! When writing this I accidentally deleted the whole thing near the next and had a huge crises about it for ages before realizing I could use my revision history to get it back. I've never been more terrified in my life though. Pretty sure I almost had a heart attack.

I'll stop talking now, love you guys and see you soon!)

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