What is Speed?

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It is speed. Speed has no life.  The duration of speed is high , the duration of life after it or with it is equally short.
Speed kills. But not by being speed ,But by itself. 
Speed has highest value as we all think it has. But it only brings to infinity:nothing after-all.

Speed should be slow. Even being slow is a speed with some value. Less value holds more life.    Ofcourse life will become slow living. But lg
wrong on going or being slow.  It only counts the days and memories you made but not the inventions man made out of gaining name after death, only for nothing in the end.

Probability of being at high peace is possible only by living slow life. One shouldn't rush  on doing or working things. Afterall you only gain nothing in the end for the cost of handful days in lifefull years , where it is meant be living peacefully but not rushing to live not ygv

Think. Understand. Implement. And slow down fast.
This isn't life. This isn't going anywhere. You should have a digit three life to live only to witness the changing beauty of our planet decade by decades. Remember there is no purpose unless you think there might be a purpose for you because you are here on the planet out of  the emotionally connecting wombs. No that's not true. The purpose is to have peace here by witnessing the change in nature and change in life of Life. So ,that is it -the reason for our existence on this sphere.

So gentlemen and women, don't rush fast in living life for nothing. stay where ever you are now. Stay still , look around :are the things you never wanted to look deep into them ,so look possible deep now that you have time.

As mentioned ,speed has no positive value as we wish. It has it's own value . It  never want you to be stable once u invite it  into your life. Later if you want to leave it wherever it is , mind won't let you accept it. It only wants you to look forward and move ahead along with it. It's danger zone it warns you and also let's you go into it. because you will be helpless after you lead part of life rushing for things which actually don't value your happiness.  But it makes you feel  happiness lies in the things you wanted to be Want.

Go slow. Be  slow. Move slow. Bath slow. Get there slow. eat slow. Get-up slow. Sing slow. ..Grow slow..
LIVE Slow. ...
Do not rush to want the things you wanted in the past. for that you have to make  your present Life unwanted.
Let the future you want to see ,be knowingly mysterious but mysterious.
So, let

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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