Chapter Two- Aspen

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A person stood in front of a cracked mirror, not girl nor boy. Kind of- In between. Their hair was cut short, but not too short. Not too long either. It was dyed a dark purple. A black beanie was set over their hair, letting some of the purple strands fall out.

Their eyes where a brilliant bright green. Striking. Even more striking because of the thick black eyeliner carefully drawn around them.                                                                                                
Black. Black hoodie, black ripped jeans, black rings.
Aspen wouldn't be considered an emo. Just- unable to decide.

Decide what?

Their gender.

Aspen was non-binary.

"Liam!" A voice called. Female. Aspen's mom.

"Mom! That's not my name!"

"I don't care if you want to be called something different. That is the name I gave you, and this is all just a phase." Their mom replied.

It felt like someone hit Aspen in the stomach, sending a cold chill down their body. The feeling that they got when someone misgendered them.

"Come eat breakfast." Their mom called again.

"I'm not hungry." Aspen said, pulling sleeves down their scarred arms.

"Okay then get ready to go to the bus stop."

"Fine." Aspen yelled through the door that separated them from their mom.

They laced up their black army boots and picked up their backpack, keeping a netural expression on their face.

As they opened the door, they faced their mom. Light skinned, blonde, and a kind expression on her face.

"Liam-" She said as she looked their outfit up and down.

"My. Name. Is. Not. Liam." Aspen growled at their mom, marching past her.

"At least-"

"Fuck off mom."

Aspen opened the door roughly and slammed it behind them. The cold air of February settled around them as they started to walk to the three trees that marked their bus stop.


Aspen pulled out their phone and dropped their bag onto the sidewalk, ignoring the other girls that where talking.

"Aww here comes the boy- or the girl- oops, I guess it's a creature." A tall girl with long curly hair down to her waist came in front of Aspen. She smiled sweetly, making Aspen want to gag.

"Charlotte, Im not in the mood for your bullshit."

"It can speak! Wow!"

Aspen looked up from their phone and smiled, "Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up." Aspen gave her a bitter smirk and moved their gaze to their phone again.

Charlotte rolled her eyes and went back to her conversation about the Freshman Cheer Team. 

Aspen wanted to go to the lab already, because they knew that Charlotte and her little friends wouldn't bother them around scientists and teachers.

Aspen had no social life whatsoever, but they did have a girlfriend once, in 8th grade. It only lasted 2 or 3 months. Them and Charlotte used to be best friends in Elementary School, back before Aspen transitioned. 

But Middle School just screwed up Charlotte and made her a straight up jerk with cliche hopes and cliche outfits. Aspen was without friends since 7th grade, when they finally broke up their relationship.

Aspen now just walked alone, ate alone, and was alone all the time. But they didn't mind.

Aspen looked up from their phone again as they heard a screeching halt. The bus.

They picked up their backpack from the ground and hopped onto the bus, taking a seat in the very back where it was quiet. They rolled their green eyes at Charlotte laughing with a guy named Will.
Will, they guy that turned them down because they where too "weird".

Will turned around and looked at Aspen, his blue eyes gentle. 
Aspen didn't budge. They put up their hand and showed him the middle finger.

"Oooh Will just got flipped off!" Laughed a guy next to them with curly brown hair and a pink sweatshirt on. His jawline was incredible.

"Shut up Bear, he didn't mean to flip me off."

"Its THEY/THEM for the last time Will." Aspen snapped at Will, their temper fired up.

"Your a guy. You have a dick. Your name is Liam." Will's friend, Gary Steveston shot back at them.

Bear got up, despite the bus moving, and walked over to Gary, Charlotte and Will.

"Listen homos. Just because THEY where born as a guy doesn't mean THEY are a guy. THEY don't have a gender. If you don't support nonbinarys then fuck off and let us be." Bear pointed a finger in Will's face, his blue eyes lit with anger.

Aspen sat there, their eyes wide open. 


Bear stood there for a good minute, glaring. Then he finally went back to his seat and plopped down.

The bus was dead silent, and all the high schoolers where looking at Charlotte, Will, and Gary.

Aspen nodded at Bear, "Thanks."

Bear smiled, "Anytime Aspen."

A warm feeling snaked up Aspen's back, warming them up. 

Its been a while since someone was nice to me.

Bear leaned over to Aspen, "Whats your number?" He asked.

Aspen looked at him, cocking their head.

"Phone number."

"Oh, yeah its-" Aspen told Bear their phone number and sat back in their seat.

"You have to meet my friend Justice. We can explore the lab together." 


The bus stopped and more kids filled in.

Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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