Part 12

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Sophie and Dex: Friendzoned

Dex: Sophie, you're my very best friend.

Sophie: You're mine too.

Dex: And we'll always be friends forever... Right?

Sophie: Yeah! Forever.


Gethen and Forkle: Part one of : Not in the script: *Lumenaria edition*

Gethen: Drops sword

Forkle: Come on Gethen, ya supposed to kill me. It's not in SM's script!

Gethen: I know, I know.


Gethen, Forkle, Oralie and Vespera: Part two of : Not in the script: *Lumenaria edition*

Oralie: *laughs*

Gethen: Stabs Forkle

Oralie: Cries

Gethen: What about you?

Oralie: NO! Remember I am supposed to tell Sophie that I am her mom!

Gethen: Wha-

Vespera: Ya just Forkle, come ON!


Marella, Tam, Linh, and Wylie: In this group

Marella: So what powers do you guys have?

Tam: I can control shadows.

Wylie: I can control light.

Linh: I make good life choices.

Marella: Is that really a-

Tam: In this group, yes.


Sophie and the Neverseen: Asking dad

Neverseen member: I'm here to kidnap you!

Sophie: I'll have to ask my dad.

Neverseen member: It's not a choi-

Sophie: He said no.


Sophie: Sophie elf

Sophie: *sleep-deprived, at 3 am*

Sophie: I am Sophie elf 

Sophie: *snort*

Sophie: This is my little pet, iggy elf

Sophie: *snooort*

Sophie: This is Edaline elf

Sophie: *snoooooort

Sophie: And this is grady elf



Keefe and Fintan: Bro

Fintan (to a beat up Keefe laying on the ground): Do you want to die?

Keefe: Yeah kinda.

Fintan: *Crouches down to Keefe* Fintan: ...You good, bro?

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