Story 4

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This is a story about a girl named Si'erra when she was bullied.

A couple days later, the bell had rang for the end of science and I was still packing up. The girl had gotten in trouble and had to stay for a couple of minutes. And the whole time she kept calling me slow and yelled at me "Shoo bug shoo!" I wanted to say so many mean things back, but I just held it in and continued on my way. I was so mad! It went on like this, her calling me mean names like stupid, ugly, dumb, poor, childish. Then, during science again one day, we working making poster boards for the science fair project. She kept commenting behind my back saying that my poster board looked childish. Then she did something that no one who's ever bullied me has EVER done. She threw markers at me. I was really set off by this and began yelling at her and throwing them back, which I got in trouble for. I guess I didn't learn my lesson from that, because a few days later, she told her friend to throw something at me during lunch, and she did. I was so angry that I grabbed my eaten up chicken bone and threw it right at her. That night, I got into even more trouble than before. And because of that, I decided that I was going to ignore her. I knew it was going to be hard at first, and it was, but a month later it stopped.But that was only for a couple of months. It was in my third period history class that everything changed. We were being paired up for a project, and we could only work in groups of four. Me and my friends paired up together, but we needed an extra person. My teacher suggested this guy who also bullied me, but not as frequently as the girl. I told him that I couldn't work with him, and another girl in my class kept complaining that I complain too much. I started arguing with her, which turned into an argument against the girl who was bullying me. My teacher broke us up, but the girl continued to bully me. So then, my friend pulled me out the class to talk to me. She said that I should report it to my guidance counselor or the front office. I didn't want to do it at first, since I did it with the girl who last bullied me and I was the only person that got in trouble. But I decided that enough was enough, and it was time for me to take action.After class I reported the bullying case to the office, who made me write a report about it. I thought that would be the end of it, but it turns out that the girl had to write a report too. She said that all she ever told me was to "shut up" because I was a loud person, even though I knew that DEFINITELY wasn't true! Afterwards, I went to my fourth period gym class, where all the eighth graders have their gym class together. I sat in my squad, which was right next to hers. And she kept talking about me like I wasn't there, calling me so many names, and the only thing I could do was just sit there and be forced to listen.Then, during math, something happened that I will NEVER forget! I went up to go get a piece of paper, and I heard a girl in my class say that I was not being bullied, and how she was bullied previously. I wanted to scream "AND YOU DON'T THINK I HAVEN'T?!" But instead, I started arguing that words DO hurt! Words hurt me! And then the girl who bullied me started yelling at me to shut up.And that's when I completely snapped.I went on and on ranting about how sick and tired I was of hearing her mouth. It went on for a couple minutes until my math teacher told me to go take a walk. I slammed the door as hard as I could and stormed out the classroom crying. I was so broken down inside. I couldn't take anymore of it. I ended up staying in my student helper's room for the rest of the day, and a few days later, the girl got expelled for beating up a seventh grader.I just want to say that, in the end, things will get better. And I'm not just saying that! And if your being bullied, then tell your guidance counselor or your parents or anyone that you can trust! Because you can't keep going on like this! Trust me, they'll know how to help. Okay so my story starts when I was in 3rd grade . Everything had been good up until then. I wasn't ever the prettiest , at the time I was struggling with my weight , and I struggled in school a lot . I got made fun of a lot and I didn't have any friends but one the friend that I had have since kindergarten . I dreaded going to school . Everyday i got made fun of . People would whisper under there breath things like ugly , fatty , stupid , hippo , whale , and a lot of other things . It never really got physical there would be people shoving shoulders and push sometimes . I went home and cried most nights . It was like that most the year until the last couple months . When I randomly got presents from a boy at school . We ended up dating he made me feel like I really had someone .The mean comments and occasional pushes still were there but it didn't both me as much while me and (unnamed boy) were dating . We dated all through 4th grade and most of 5th grade until middle of the year when we broke up. 5th grade we basically weren't together we never really talked .5th grade was really bad . I was a "tom boy" . I still was struggling with my weight and was very self conscious . So I wore more lose shirts and sweat pants most the time . I didn't have any real friends most the time I just hung around with the boys . One of them I had a crush on . I told a girl that I thought was my real friend . She told him and he said ew I would never date her . She came to me after that laughing telling me what he said and said that no guy likes me because I'm ugly . I went how that night crying .the rest of that year was bad . It was third grade all over again . 6th grade wasn't as bad . I got use to the pushes and rude comments I had gotten close with a guy and we ending up dating . We dated for around 8 months . It started off good then around 5 months he tried make do sexually things like send him pictures and other thing . It ended up getting physical rarely but it did . He would punch me in the chest , push me against walls aggressively , or aggressively grab me to wear it hurt . I eventually ended up getting out of that relationship . The night we did break up I went running to my best friend whom was a guy that I had know since pre-k . He comforted me and was there for me made me feel special told me I was beautiful and that he loved me . We ended up dating 2 months later and dated for 8 months it was a horrible relationship but I chose not to see it like everyone else did . But He was really rude to me all the time . Told me I would never be enough that I wasn't beautiful wouldn't ever stick up for me when his friends called me rude named he would just sit there and laugh when one of his friends grabbed my butt it was bad . Over summer heading into 7th grade I struggled with depression and it caused me to lose a lot of weight I went through a really tough time I found out that my grandma that I was really close to had cancer my parents were always arguing and I didn't have anyone it felt like .i started cutting it got pretty bad . 7th grade got a lot better . I didn't get made fun of as much but an occasional freak etc. It didn't bother me that much . I was still going through a lot at home and with my boyfriend . I met this guy Cody . He was really sweet . Always there for me . He was the first one that I told about me cutting . We were on the phone when I told him . I'd never heard someone cry so hard . He didn't tell me to stop . Instead he helped me through it and helped me stop . I ended up falling in love with him . I didn't have to guts to tell him for 3 months . I told him the night I broke it off with my boyfriend tuned out he felt the same way . We decided it was best to wait . When we did start dating it was amazing . He was always making me feel special and wanted . We've been dating 5 months today . My boyfriend have me hope. I love him and can't imagine wear I would be without him

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