Chapter 1 - The number 66

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(This is a product on wish for Killua's number pin #99, I just flipped it)

The author talking
(This is just a general guide, there might be a few discrepancies)

Hisoka Morow had been standing here for a while. Curse him for insisting on coming as early as possible. He had told Illumi that he wanted to come early to scout out the examinees and look if anybody interesting decided to join. The assassin had just snorted, or what was his version of a snort, in response and told him that he would ask him how fun that had been when he himself came a few hours later.
Despite the ravenette's warning, Hisoka had found himself in this dark and musty tunnel in the bright hours of the morning.
Now, 20 Numbers after his, Number 44's, arrival he was bored, not that he let that show. Usually the magician was a very patient man, at least when he had something to look forward to. But here in this plain tunnel without the knowledge if anybody exciting, powerful, interesting would join....
Now, now, he was being dramatic. Illumi would be joining him soon, that was something to look forward to.
Just as Number 65 entered, a scrawny brunette who had zero chance or potential, he felt his phone ding. Pulling it out of his pocket, he saw that he had a new message.

I will be there in a few hours.

♣️ Why so late~? ♥️

Bored already?


No, of course not~♣️
️ I'm only missing you~♥️


Letting out an affronted sound, Hisoka put away his phone and took out a deck of cards, shifting his focus on the little paper rectangles in his hands.
He heard the 'ding' of the elevator and suddenly an intense presence filled the room. It took a lot of will power not to snap his head up. 'How come he didn't feel their aura earlier?!'
When he did look up, slowly and dignified, he saw that a hooded figure had entered the room. They were wearing a large heavy black cloak that made all their features indiscernable, probably supported by some type of Nen, and only stretched a slender, well-manicured, pale hand out from under the cloak to take the small white plate, Number 66, from Mister Beans hand and pull it back under the cloak again.
He couldn't properly measure their strength yet, but their presence alone promised a worthy opponent.
Suddenly they looked up and a pair of sharp ruby orbs shone from the darkness under the hood, locking with his own amber ones. Intriguing.
The mysterious figure moved to lean against the wall opposite of him, so that he had a prefect view of them. Raising his hand in a wave-like motion, he threw a card, a joker, at them with high speed. They catched it cleanly directly in front of their face and vanished it somewhere with an elegant motion. Pushing off the wall they disappeared into the crowd.
Hisoka's lips curved into a smile. 'Very interesting, very interesting indeed'.


The elevator door opened in front of Killua and he was greeted by a crowd of people. 98 if the number plate that the small green bean man ('What the hell?') handed him was any indicator.
He was bored, anticipating and scared at the same time. Bored, because he hadn't seen anybody who looked like they could prove to be a challenge yet, anticipating, because the exam was said to be really hard, and scared because he feared that somebody would come through the door anytime and take him back to the estate.
He suddenly heard a familiar voice saying familiar words behind him, their tone amused "Are you alright?" Swirling around he saw familiar red orbs stare down at him from under a familiar cloak.
"Nē-chan!" He exclaimed, hugging the person tightly. The hooded figure, Minoko, chuckled slightly. "I missed you too, Ki-chan." "What are you doing here?" "Taking the Hunter exam, Sherlock!" "Who's that?" "Nevermind -_-"
"I take it you took the Hunter exam as a challenge Ki-chan?" "Yeah."
They chattered for a while, catching up, Minoko's eyes glinting a little when Illumi, or Gittarackur, entered, until Minoko noticed Gon and his friends coming through the door.
Crouching down a little, she grabbed Killua's shoulders and looked him deep into the eyes. "Listen to me young man. I'm going to leave now" He tried to interrupt her, but she shook her head "Ah, ah, ah, listen. I'm going to leave, I'm never going to be far away don't worry, because the first phase will start soon. Now, I want that you, if you see somebody who interests you, maybe somebody your age, if you see somebody like that, try to be friends with them. No matter what your family told you, friends are a wonderful thing. A real friend is like an ally you don't have to pay, a support net, a person who understands you. Friends are a very important thing, so never hesitate to befriend somebody, but also never be too trusting, got it?" Killua nodded.
"Alright, now, I really won't be far and I will be seeing you sooner than you think. Just always remember what I said. Have fun." "See you soon, nē-chan." Straightening up, she gave him a kiss on the forehead and turned to disappear in the crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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