Mrs. Greenfield - Solangelo

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"Time to go, Maria!" I beamed, gesturing for the little olive skinned girl to get her backpack. The five year old struggled to get it on, but with my help, she finally slung it over her shoulders and smiled at me. This was her first day at daycare, and she was so excited. Maria di Angelo just moved into town, and was starting kindergarten in a few months.

"So, is your mom coming to pick you up?" I asked, leaning down to come to her level.

"I don't have a mom," Maria giggled.

My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my hand. I felt so bad for her, she must have been so young.

"What about your dad?" I questioned her.

"Which one?" Maria replied with a tilt of her head.

"Which-" I started to get confused. "Do you have parents, honey?"

"Yes," she stuck her tongue out at me. "I have a Papa and a Daddy."

I was beginning to understand, so I pressed further, as a car was pulling up to the parking lot.

"Are you adopted, Maria?" I asked softly.

"No!" Maria let out a laugh. I realized that she had no idea what the word meant.

"I know what the word means," she added quickly.

I blinked a few times, processing what she was saying. She had gay fathers and she wasn't adopted- that wasn't physically possible, unless she had a surrogate mother. Of course, you don't tell a five year old that.

"Mari!" A voice exclaimed as a dark haired, pale skinned man walked into the daycare and picked up Maria, spinning her around.

"Papa!" Maria said joyfully, squeezing his neck.

"Gods, Maria, don't strangle me," the man chortled. With a whisper, he added, "That's your dad's job."

As if on cue, a tanned, muscular, blonde haired man entered the building. His blue eyes scanned the area and settled upon Maria and her father.

"I'm surprised you didn't scare off the children yet," the blonde man joked.

"It's what I do, Will," the dark haired man chided. "Come on, we're going to be late for brunch with Percy and Annabeth."

"I knew that, Nico," Will rolled his eyes.


Without paying attention to me, caught up in their adorable banter, Maria at the center of it all, they went back to their car and drove off.

And that's how I met Solangelo.

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