Part IV (Section II) The Red Sand

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   A groan of fear escaped the men's throats as their eyes volleyed between the two cats. Terror and agony consumed all of them, even the ones who had poured their energy into keeping morale high. Even Dago had disrupted his constant silence to give some fighting instructions to Searix, and even a little to Tiberius.  Those tips had been for fighting another man. They were not to be killed by men. The Roman crowd surrounding them only continued their jeering as they saw their fear.

  "Searix, watch the black one." Dago demanded his brother. Despite the obnoxious noise around them, Searix was able to focus on his brother's voice.

  Even if they were going to die, Dago was determined to go down with a fight. This was not the death he desired, but it was the one he was given. He would be remembered.

  "Five men watch the black one, five men watch the golden one!" He yelled abruptly, catching all of the prisoners' attention. Even the mob watching them became hushed.

  "Who are you to give us orders?" A man snapped, angry denial filling his voice.

   No comment was made. He who spoke could not handle anymore of his tortured existence. An angry cry escaped his lips, and he launched himself at the speckled feline. The animal was quick to respond. The prisoner decided he now wanted to live, but his decision was too late for fate. Cheers arose from the crowd as the man turned into a shredded corpse before them. After him, it did not take long for the cats to be brought to action. The movements were quick, and the results consistent. Hot blood seeped across the sand, taunting the final three prisoners. The three remaining were the ones with weapons. A sickening growl escaped the golden cat's throat, causing Searix to whip around to face it.

  A cold metal sword was lodged in its neck. Crimson liquid oozed over the blade and the hand that held it. Tiberius killed the cat. Tiberius had killed the animal. Screams erupted into the air, and Searix found himself joining the cheers.


   That was when he heard his name being screamed.

Two updates in one month? Miracles do happen. Huge shout out to lucymontalbano for being fabulous and motivating me to continue. Anyways, please vote, comment, or share my story! Your input is what encourages me to continue. So please, any thoughts at all are appreciated. Active followers are the best kind. And please, tell me what you think will happen next! Like I said, you guys engaging with me and letting me know you think is what drives to me to continue my gladiators' story.

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