the aftermath

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To say that things changes was the understatement of the year. Once the news article aired about their relationship both Rob and Jesse their phones explodes, with family texting them congratulating them on coming out with their relationship, with messages from total strangers showing their support, tiktok exploding with their sippers being happy, calling them the Larry they never got, even more video of them, with texts from difference politicians saying that their either never saw it coming or that they already had a feeling.

But sadly not everything was as supportive as one hoped for their coming out with their relationship. Of course there was a lot of hate, homophobia, slurs and people who simply dont wat to support a relationship between 2 politicians from 2 different parties.

But all of that had to wait for now, they had a full working day ahead of them, Jesse had a debate from 14:20 till at least 18:30 about the information that had come out from final report of the informateur. This was a debate all the fraction leaders had to go to, to talk about the new information, on how they want to go from here and how they all see the next coalition, if it is going to be with Mark Rutte as the Prime Minister or if the VVD would even be part of the coalition.

Rob on the other hand had some other things to do, he had to work on one of the motions that D66 wanted to present next week and he had to make sure he was in time for the voting of the debate. He might not be the head of D66 anymore but he is the running mate and him and Sigrid Kaag always make the decisions together.

So Rob was currently sitting in his office just across the street from the house of representatives watching the debate on tv while writing some things down for the motion. He had preferred to be there live but that sadly wasnt an option. When he was done with his work he decided to answer some insta DMs about his relationship with Jesse and made a story asking for questions that he and Jesse would be answering later that day. He made some calls with colleagues and family and posted a picture of his laptop screen with Jesse took the stand and captioned it supporting the boyfriend from afar

It is definitely nice to not hide his relationship anymore and be openly supportive of his boyfriend that is for sure.

Around 16:430 Rob made his way over to the house of representatives on his way he was stopped by a lot of people who wanted a picture with him, wanted to ask questions or the press who wanted to speak him about his relationship with Jesse. Rob stayed polite and took the pictures and answered some simple questions but made it quick to be in time for the voting. He reached the house of representatives at 16:45. When I walked in the could immediately notice that there was a small break before the voting because all the fraction leaders where talking to each other outside of the Plenary Hall. Rob made his way over to Sigrid, Sylvana and Jesse who stood together. He locked eyes with Sigrid and Sylvana, he had put his finger in front of his lips motioning to them to not let Jesse know he was approaching.

Once he got to them he threw his arms around Jesse, back hugging him. Jesse giggled and turns around in the embrace and hugged Rob back. missed you Jesse mumbled into Rob his shoulder. missed you too, you did well by the way during the debate today, wished I was there. Rob answered while planting a quick kiss on Jesse his lips.

you know some of us are still single Sylvana said while looking endearing at the couple in front of her. All 4 of them laughed at this and Jesse and Rob broke apart.

well, well, well look at who we have here the rainbow parade, the laughing stock of the Parliament, I wonder what the other members of your fraction thing about having a faggot as leader and one as running mate they heard an annoyingly fake posh accent from behind them. Rob and Jesse turned around to face Thierry standing there looking discussed.

Sylvana was ready to hit him square in the face but Rob was quicker well Thierry, ow wait sorry ThieRRY I think they dont mind it at all, but if I where you I wouldnt worry to much about D66 or GroenLinks we are doing just fine, I would worry more about your own party who just this morning lost 3 seats in the house of representatives because of your statements and lack of sticking to the covid rules. Thierry looked taken aback by Rob his sassy remark and scoffed. Just when he was about to say something more Vera Bergkamp announced that the break was over and the votings would start.

They all made their way inside and started the voting. The voting lasted for longer than both Rob and Jesse had hoped for, but once done they headed home where they spend the next hour answering all the questions the people left for them.

Around 19:30 the doorbell was rang and Rob opened it finding Sigrid and Sylvana standing there with takeout food and wine may we come in? Sigrid spoke. Rob let them in and the rest of the night was spend with the 4 of them laughing eating, talking politics and watching movies.

Even with the minor setbacks the day couldnt have turned out more perfect for both Rob and Jesse.

So that was that, I knew I wanted to give this one shot a proper ending. So let me know what you though in the comments, it always cheers me up and motivated me to keep on writing. If you havent yet please check out my other resse one shot called it is debatable or my new long resse fic called if they only knew. I just uploaded the prologue to that fanfic and I would really appreciate it if yall checked it out.

Dont forget to follow @dropjetten on IG where I give behind the sense of me writing and me fangirling over Rob and Jesse. Please like and comments.

That was it from me,

All the love your local Rob Jetten Simp

behind closed doors / rob jetten x Jesse klaver Resse one shot Where stories live. Discover now