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"Only one resident didn't answer." Morgan said looking at me like he had just seen a ghost. "Okay, and?" I asked. What's with the face? "547 west Southbrooke." Luke said and I turned to him. "Excuse me?" I said irritated. This has to be some kind of mistake. "Your parents live in the area that we were searching. Of course we weren't sure until now. Because of your pinpoint, I'm absolutely sure." Ron said making me turn to him. "You can't be- Fine, I'm coming with then. They won't understand what's going on. Not that I think they did this but, if they did. I want to be there." I said and the team looked at Aaron. "She can't come Hotch. You know that." Morgan said and Aaron sighed. "Fine, I'll meet you there." I said walking out of the conference room of the police station. I need a smoke. 

While I was smoking, I decided that I would have to accept the truth no matter what. "Sas!" I heard my name being called from the doors of the station. "Saskia!" Again but I stayed silent. I knew he'd come around and find me. I was in a good mood and this wouldn't ruin it. I just need a smoke to calm me down is all. Aaron rounded the corner and smiled at me as I blew smoke out of my mouth. "You okay?" He asked and sat down next to me on the curb. "I'm doing great actually. Michael broke up with me and I couldn't be better. I feel at home again helping with the case. I'm doing good." I said looking at his hands. Is that? "Your married?" I asked and he looked at me with an intense look. Something bad happened. I don't know what. 

"I'm sorry." Is all I could say. The look on his face was anger an grief. Poor guy. "It's alright. She died almost a year ago. I'm doing better and so is my son." He said with a smile. That's great! Wait, did he say son?! "Son? Wow, that's- that's great. What's his name?" I asked trying to not sound shocked. "Jack. He's six now." He said with a proud smile. I always knew that he would have a kid or kids. "Look, I know that you said no to coming back but, I think that it would be great if you did. I've changed and so has the chain of command. Just think about it please. I haven't heard the end of it from Reid. He really likes you." He said with a chuckle. He cares a lot about these people. 

"I will. But, I also have to go and put on my acting face. Thank you for everything Aaron." I said when his phone started to ring. Putting a hand up, I sat back down as he answered. "Hotchner. A male in his teens? Okay, we'll be down. Yes, tell the family to come in for questioning." He said and my heart dropped to my stomach. Male. Teens. This can't be the end. "Your brother. He's adopted yeah?" Aaron asked and all I could do was nod my head. "What's is given name?" He asked and I started to shake and my ears began to ring. "Black. He was born from the Black family." I said clearing my throat. It was instantly dry. "Right. Sas, I'm so sorry. They just found his remains. Same MO as the rest of the murders." He said and I became light-headed. "No. This has to be a mistake. Are you sure?" I asked trying not to throw up. "Yes. I'm going to have Luke go down to the M.E's office and look at the body I-" I cut him off. I have to se this for myself. 

"I'm going. Go do the raid but, I'm going with Luke. I have to see for myself." I said and I do. I have to know for certain that it's Sammy. "Okay. Come on. I have to tell the team." He said as we got up and I followed him into the station. I was numb. This is not happening. My parents couldn't be capable of this. "Guys. Conference room now please." Aaron said as we both walked in. "Yeah Hotch. What's up?" Morgan asked as they gathered around the table. "The police just found the remains of Saskia's brother Samandriel Black- I mean Collins. Alvez, I want you to go down to the M.E's office with both Reid and Saskia. The rest of us will go to the Collins residence." Aaron said and they all nodded. 

The car ride with Luke and Spencer was silent. I sat up front with Luke and Spencer was in the back. "You know that there is a great possibility that this was your parents right?" Luke finally said and I nodded. "I do. And if it was, we'll go from there." I said as he pulled into the M.E's office. We walked in together in silence. Okay, maybe it won't be Sammy. Maybe they got it wrong. We walked into the room with the remains on a table. Instantly, I looked at the right arm and got my confirmation. Sam has, well had a crown tattoo on his right wrist as do I. We got it together on his 16th birthday. "Damnit." I said under my breath turning my head from seeing the horror. We need to make sure it's not a copy cat though. I cleared my throat and looked closer at the arm. There was indeed two patterns. One deeper than the other. 

"Fucking hell man." I said taking off my gloves and throwing them into the trash. Walking out, I leaned on the wall putting my hands through my hair. This isn't real. I can't loose the one person I'm closest to. No. "Hey Saskia. Let's go outside yeah? How's that sound?" It was Luke. He was speaking softly and I nodded my head barely able to move. Once we got outside, I sat down on a bench. "I'm so sorry to ask but, I saw you look at the cuts. Was it them?" He asked and I nodded in response. "Yeah, it's them. Do you have an update on the search?" I asked with both hope and dread that they would find something. "Not yet. Let's get you back to the station." Luke said as Spencer walked out of the doors. 

We all loaded back into the SUV and started our drive back to the station. I stayed silent as we pulled into the parking garage. All three of us walked into the station just as the rest of the team walked in. I could hear the clanking of chains and my heart went into my stomach. But that anxious feeling turned into anger. I looked up and waited for the team to bring them through the station. Aaron brought them through the station and right in front of the conference room. I locked eyes with my mother who gave me an eerie smile and my father gave me the same smile as they were being brought to a questioning room. I couldn't stay there anymore. I walked out and back to the hotel that the team was staying at. I got to my bike as my phone started to ring. Fuck it. I'm not going to answer that. I got onto my bike and started it up. 

Driving to my apartment, I realized that it should've been me. Or it could've been my other brother. Why him and why now? What did he do that we didn't? Once I got to my apartment, I got out my phone and saw the missed call from Aaron. Ignoring that for a moment, I dialed the number that I hadn't since the day that I left. "Saskia. What do you want?"

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