Chapter 1

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"Myra, congratulations!"

The owner of "The Meatball" turns her head to find a guy her age holding a box in his hands.

Myra recognizes her head chef, and best friend, immediately. "Jess! Great work tonight!" She glanced around, noting that all of her employees had gone home for the night. "Not to sound rude, but what are you still doing here? You should be at home resting and celebrating the opening of this place." Her eyes rest on the item in his arms. He hands her the box wrapped in brightly colored paper. "What's this?"

Jess smirks, "Before you say anything, yes. I knew I didn't have to get you anything for the opening night of this restaurant, but I did. I know this night means a lot to you." Myra stands there gaping. He raises a brow. "Well, go on. Open it!"

With a faint blush rising on her face, Myra tenderly opens the package. Inside of the box was a mound of tissue paper. She places the box down and takes out the white foil.

Myra's head is spinning. She has had a longtime thing for Jess. They were childhood friends who lived only a house apart. He always wanted to become a chef and she wanted to open a restaurant. Maybe that's why they became such good friends. And that's all they were. Friends. Until junior year of high school. Jess had finally matured and grown up. Unknowingly, Myra had developed a growing crush on her best friend. But she had no idea if he reciprocated said feelings. She remembered the time they went out for ice cream (as friends of course) and-

Jess cleared his throat. "So... do you like it?"

Myra snapped out of her daydream to glance at Jess. He looked... nervous? Why in the- oh. She looked down at the thing in her hands and realized while she was reminiscing, she had uncovered the mysterious item inside the foil. Myra snorted as she beheld the glorious gift sitting in her hands. She laughed and laughed. Because in her hands, was a giant sized meatball trophy to put in her apartment.

Carefully placing the trophy back into the box, she looked back at Jess, who still wore the nervous expression on his face. She moved to lay the box in between the pots and pans on the shelves to her right. Then Myra wrapped him into a hug, while fighting off the blush that was threatening to rise to her face. Not missing a beat, Jess wrapped his arms around her.

"I love it." She pulled back so she could look at his face, "Thank you. I will treasure my meatball trophy for years to come."

Jess finally smiled. "Well good. I'm glad you like it." But his smile quickly fell off his face. Myra pulled back all the way. A confused frown appeared on her face. Jess sheepishly scratched at the back of his neck.

He cleared his throat, "M,... would you maybeliketogotoonadatesometime?" He exhaled a breath that he seemed to be holding in.

She looked at him weirdly. "What? I didn't understand what you said..."

"Oh." Jess averts his eyes to look around the kitchen. He cleared his throat once again. "I asked if you'd like to go out for a breakfast picnic in the park tomorrow?"

Myra froze. This was the day she had been waiting for. A steady blush was making its way up to her face.

Apparently Jess took her silence as an answer. He immediately launched into an apology. "Wait, i'm sorry, I never knew if you felt the same, and I thought tonight was a good time-"

Myra smiled and placed a finger on his lips to silence him. "My answer is yes. A thousand times yes."

The shock wore off of his face. He smiled and enveloped her into another hug. "I have been wanting to ask you on a date every single day that we have been planning the opening of this restaurant. And I finally did." Myra could feel his smile on her shoulder. "Does tomorrow at 9:30 in the park work for you?" He murmured.

Myra grinned in response and let out a small 'yes'.


Hello everyone! Thanks for giving my new book a read! If you didn't already understand what's happening so far: here is the low-down. 

Myra has just opened her new store: The Meatball, An Italian restaurant. Her long-time best friend, Jess, gave her an opening night gift and asked her out on a date.

That's about all that has happened so far. I will post pretty regularly. Happy reading!!


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