I Will..

516 22 6

Kim Taehyung

It's been 3 days since he met Y/N. It's hard to hide his feeling in front of her, but yet here he is sitting with her talking about life.

"4 years I guess?"

"That's a long time" she says and sips her orange juice

"I miss you"

She looks at him and smile, "I miss you too. For real I thought you will forget me, Hannah know about your being in Korea because of media"

"I am about to call you, but I don't know why I didn't do that"

"It's okay, we all have our own problems back then, I'm glad you are here in front of my eyes Taehyung. I think you are my healing pills"

She smiles again, his lips form into a smile too.

"Keep smiling. Please"

"You become a handsome man Taehyung and old" she laughs

"Ya, I'm 29 okay"

"Oh, I'm 25" she gives him a sly smirk

He looks at her with intense look "Don't you know, the older that man the handsome he becomes. I'm the example"

"You admit that you are old??"

"Y/N, you will pay for my dinner"

"Hah! Never"

They continue talking and laughing.

I wish, you will love me. Y/N

He looks at her with a sad eyes, everything just fading, he just wants to look at her, telling her how beautiful she is, how amazing she is, how meaningful she is to him, how he loves her so much.

Even though her heart is belongs to Namjoon..

But I still want you..

Kim Namjoon

3 Days Ago

"I miss you"

She looks at him "I miss you.. Too"

They continue to hugs for some times, crying, regret.

"Thank god, I have you in my arms again. You grown to be a beautiful woman ever"

She looks at man in front of him, a 32 years old man. The man that she loved back then, maybe she loves even now.

He looks at her with unexplain emotions, happy and sad.

He received a message from his wife.


Where are you? I came to your office but you are not here?

He reads the message and yes that's the reality. He has a wife, but he wants a woman in front of him.

"You seem busy" she says wiping her tears "just go"

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