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My Dearest Hyung, 
 So precious to my heart, my love to you, for you. 
 I pray we stay close, loving each and every      moment we make together from the past to the present, to even the future. So please let us look back on our trainee days and smile with joy. But when you cry, I want to cry for you. So let us smile for each other, smile for me. Because when you're sick, it hurts me worse than when I am. 

I didn't learn much about how the emotion of sadness felt, until you taught me emotions, you taught me how to live for who I should be, because I was empty before you helped me to fly, so fly with me, my hyung. 

I had nothing before I met you, but now I have so much. I've learnt alot from you, my hyung so dear to me. You helped me become me. 

Because when I was fifteen, I was small and scared of how big the world was, but now it isn't as big as it once was. The world was once a scary place but you made it feel safe for me. 

Welcomed me and never judged who I once was or who I wanted to be. You made me enjoy every moment and open up. Not to be scared and not to care about what others thought of me, it's what I think of myself for myself. That is all that matters most for me. You taught me that very early on in our trainee days. I miss those days hyung, where we could hug, giggle and smile without cameras on us all. Behind those cameras we are close, but I want to be as close as we were before. 

When we were close, you taught me alot. 
When I smiled, you smiled for me later. 
When you cried, I wanted to cry for you. 
Love you my hyung. 

Because you made me learn to be me. 
You make me begin my life. 

You make me begin. 

From Jungkook

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