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It was a rare moment of respite for Percy, a brief escape from the constant turmoil and complications she had endured since the tender age of twelve. She had recently broken up with Annabeth, a mutual decision, and found the girl now dating Rachel. Life was changing, shifting, and she was trying to navigate the uncharted waters.

In the midst of it all, she had managed to find solace in reconnecting with her father, Poseidon, and spending time with her friend and little sister Estelle. There were moments of indecisiveness as she considered multiple college applications, even entertaining a suspicious-looking one. But she brushed off any lingering doubts with a sense of youthful optimism. After all, college was supposed to be an exciting new chapter—what could possibly go wrong?

As Percy reclined in her room, she embraced the tranquility, soaking in the silence that enveloped her surroundings. The soft sunlight seeped through the curtains, casting gentle rays across the space, serving as a persistent reminder that Apollo still awaited her presence, alongside Hermes, for yet another day of their persistent companionship.

With a disgruntled glare at the bothersome rays, Percy's attention shifted to the luggage and bags neatly arranged by her door. Thanks to her heroic efforts in saving Olympus, she had acquired a charmed set of traveling essentials—luggage and bags enchanted to lighten the burden of her journeys. Both she and Nico had even managed to secure grander modes of transportation, a car and a motorbike, utilizing the "I saved Olympus" card with their godly parents. Of course, as the sole daughter of the sea, Percy's vehicle was undoubtedly more magnificent than Nico's.

As she closed her eyes for a moment of respite, she reopened them only to find herself standing in an eerie void. Her belongings—the luggage, bags, and a conveniently placed body mirror—accompanied her in this mysterious realm. Confusion enveloped her as she double-checked the presence of her trusty pen tucked in her pants. Approaching the mirror cautiously, she realized with a start that her reflection was absent. Suddenly, a hand emerged from within the mirror, startling her.

"My dear beloved..." a voice echoed from the depths, drawing Percy's attention.

"Gross, it sounds like Triton," she cringed, repulsed by the association.

"My noble and beautiful flower of both good and evil," the voice continued.

"You are the fairest in the land," it added.

"Say that to Dite, not me," Percy retorted, unimpressed by the hollow words.

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the..." it began, only to be cut off abruptly.

"What in the Disney shit is this?" Percy grumbled, her frustration mounting. She glanced around, noticing the green smoke emanating from the mirror thickening and spreading. Strange sounds reached her ears, muffled and indistinct.

"For me. For them. For you," a mysterious voice whispered, its urgency palpable. "We are all running out of time. No matter what, never let go of that hand."

As the enigmatic message lingered in the air, Percy's gaze fixed on a carriage and a horse drawing closer to her. "Relax, your highness," the horse spoke with an oddly human voice, as the world around her dimmed, lulling her into a deep slumber.

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