Chapter 1: A new beginning

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Pov Pucca

I felt cold ... I didn't see almost anything, but if I saw how I sank into the water and how my hands floated in it, the remaining light became less and less visible, and I kept sinking, a red liquid passed by my side and floated , I guess it was my blood. Just when I thought that everything was going to end, I saw how a man jumped into the water and swam towards me, I did not know who it was, but when I was about to see his face everything went dark ...

Suddenly I was in a very nice park full of flowers, but the strange thing is that there were no children there, until I saw one, it was a boy of about 12 years old, he was sitting alone and meditating, which, not me. I don't know why, he gave me warmth and I decided to get closer, I just sat next to him and looked at him, I wanted to see his face and I leaned down, when he did he turned to me and held out his hand. which I looked at and took, I looked at him again since he was very cute and tender, and while I was doing it, he would smile at me and say: "come back to me" and at that moment everything went dark again ...

End Pov Pucca

In the Sooga hospital there was a beautiful 19-year-old girl hospitalized, since she was in a coma, that young woman is called Pucca. She wakes up very violently, almost getting out of bed calling the attention of the doctor who attends her and tries to reassure

Doctor:- Please young lady, stay in your bed (trying to put her down again)

Pucca:- And I ask you to please not touch me (look at the cables connected to it) and what about these things? Take them away from me! (upset she starts screaming)

Doctor:- Please Pucca, don't take them off, those things allowed you to stay alive

Pucca:- Alive? What do you mean? And why are you calling me Pucca?

Doctor:- You don't remember? (looks confused at the young woman)

Pucca:- Remember what?

Doctor:- There was a possibility that this would happen but I did not think it would happen (looks sadly at the girl)

Pucca:- Can someone answer any of my questions? (starts to get angry)

Doctor:- (Sighs and looks at the young woman seriously) Your name is Pucca, you are a 19-year-old girl, and you had an accident in which you were in a coma and lost your memory

Pucca:- (calms down and lies down on the bed again) how long was I in a coma?

Doctor:- About four days, tell me, does something hurt?

Pucca:- No, I feel excellent, it's like I woke up from a great dream

Doctor:- Do you ever remember anything?

Pucca:- (starts to think) No ...

Doctor:- Okay, don't exert yourself, that could hurt you (he approaches her) tell me, does it hurt here? (touches a specific point on his head)

Pucca:- Ouch! Why did he do that? (looks annoyed at the doctor)

Doctor:- I'm sorry, I just corroborated (he moves away from fear) I will call your uncles to pick you up, we will discharge you, but you should continue taking these pills (he writes down a prescription)

Pucca:- Uncles? Do I have uncles? (looks confused at the doctor)

Doctor:- Yes, three actually, Ho, Linguini and Dumpling, you live with them in the Goh-Rong restaurant, where you also work as a noodle delivery girl

MEMORIES OF L❤VEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora